Sunday 12 July 2015

First-look pictures - Desperate Dan the Brewery Man

Here are some sneak preview pictures from the episode of Coronation Street to air on Monday 20th July 2015.

As Leanne heads home, Dan steps out of the shadows and tells Leanne she’s ruined his life and he’s going to make her pay. 

Grabbing Leanne by the wrist, Dan forces his way into her flat. Leanne yells at Liz to phone the police but as Liz reaches for her phone, Dan hurls her bag across the room. 

Leanne, Liz and Simon watch Dan, terrified what he’ll do next.

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  1. Seriously? These two women, hardly shrinking violets, can't take out Dan? With Simon's help?

  2. All it takes is one stilleto to the his groin.

  3. The best part of this storyline is Simons pizza sweatshirt.
