Saturday 11 July 2015

By fans, for fans. A blog about 'The Blog'.

I was supposed to travel to Yorkshire today to attend a horticultural fair but all the trains were cancelled so I’m stuck in London. Perfect time to write a Coronation Street Blog. About the Coronation Street Blog.

It’s been a busy few months for us bloggers. So many interesting storylines to cover, issues to discuss and episodes to review. I was lucky enough to attend the previews of the fire episodes and meet some of the cast a couple of months ago. It was an interesting experience, not just hearing first hand about how the episodes were put together from the writers and producers, but being among tv journalists and commentators, and being able to question the cast and crew directly. Not for any newspaper or TV programme, but specially for the Coronation Street blog. Glenda, the blog creator and editor has projected your opinions and thoughts on our favourite show across the world – the blog gets hundreds of thousands of readers and I’m sure I speak for all of the blog team when I say we are proud to contribute and be involved. I’m not the most prolific blogger, but I’m an avid reader. So here are a few of my favourite things about the Coronation Street Blog…

Episode reviews
We have it covered. Ruth, Emma and Jordan review most episodes straight after they are aired, so if you’ve missed Corrie, you know where to look.

It’s a community
The Corrie Blog team on the new set
Everyone, whether you’re a reader or blogger, can be involved in the Coronation Street blog. We have Fan of the Week, competitions, fan stories and guest blogs. Not to mention you can comment on every blog that is posted on the website. Admittedly some of the comments are not very nice and Glenda works very hard to ensure they are removed as quickly as possible. That’s probably one of the only rules we have at the Coronation Street Blog – be nice or sod off.

Honesty / critique
We all love Corrie. And that’s why we sometimes have to be a bit negative on the blog. Rest assured our criticism and frustration comes out of love for what is still one of the most successful TV shows of all time. So when you hear us moan about inconsistencies, poor performances, repetitive storylines, unpopular characters etc…bear with us. We just want Coronation Street to be the best it can be.

A blog by fans, for fans
Clinkers, Scott, Tvor, Llifon, Graeme, Sunny Jim, myself – we all have our own take on what Corrie means to viewers and where it’s heading. I like to link my blogs to the wider audience, how it reflects society and what influence it has on the TV viewing population. I’ve written about politics, drinking culture and mental health since joining the blog – issues which might bore some people to tears, but the interaction I’ve had on the blog with people who are interested has made my blogs really worth writing.

Fat Brenda
Get stuffed
Who is she? Where is she? When can I marry her? We all enjoy Fat Brenda’s legendary insights. Long may they continue.

So there we go. My favourite things about the Coronation Street Blog.

I've just heard from my friend in Yorkshire that she won ‘Best Sweet Peas’ and ‘Best Onions’. No mention of who won Best Marrows…


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All original work on the Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. You are all doing a brilliant job. I always look forward to reading what each and every one of you writes

  2. And time for me to agree with John. Love the blog, the different takes on the stories, the wit, the humour, the perceptive posts. It is the first site I look at. Thanks so much to all the bloggers and contibutors. Susan.

  3. That would be *contributors*

  4. It's fab to be part of the team! 😀

  5. A B-I-G thank you Stevie and EVERYONE involved in this fabulous blog..... I scan all my daily emails to find the link to yours and look very much forward to opening those links to the bloggers' reviews....a task VERY well executed and MUCH appreciated!!! Cheers !

  6. I head over to the blog every day and nearly always feel the insight into the street is bang on. The humour, backstage insight and trips down memory lane are fantastic. Thanks to everyone who contributes for doing such a great job. My only hope is that TPTB head over just as often as they could do a lot worse than taking up some of the ideas on here! - Micky :)

  7. Thanks to all of you for being a part of my "daily blog" read. I Very much appreciate the work you put in-your live for Corrie is evident. Brava!

  8. The best thing on the Internet!! Long live the Corrie blog!! Xx
