Tuesday 9 June 2015

Steph Britton - Coronation Street's hidden gem

Tisha Merry, who plays Steph Britton, is a little belter. There, I've said it.  Tisha as Steph has been on Coronation Street for just over two years now and she just keeps on getting better with every appearance.

We don't know that much about Steph. She arrived as a friend for Katy Armstrong, flirted with Ryan Connor, left and returned again later the same year. She was then given a job as a waitress at the Bistro and has been there ever since.

While Steph has been a part of some major storylines, she's never really had one of her own. She moved in with Tina and tried to make Tina see sense when Tina revealed she was having a fling with Peter Barlow.  When Tina died, instead of going to the funeral, Steph, Luke and Katy celebrated Tina's life by releasing balloons, a nice touch.  And since then, she's continued to serve in the Bistro while recently being caught up in the Platt family drama.

Nick's promoted Steph to Bistro supervisor, and that girl can stand her ground with the best of them. She's sassy, fun, intelligent, great to watch and is one of those characters, for me, who light up the screen when they come on.  Along with Gary Windass and Izzy Armstrong, Steph is one of the  younger generation that I really love watching.  She's not given any especially funny or fancy dialogue, she just puts a sparkle into everything she does.  She's a backstreet Bistro bobby-dazzler.

More please, Corrie.

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  1. She didn't have much sparkle during the Gandy debacle. Hope it will return quickly.

  2. I like the fact that she doesn't have major storylines. Although the Street shouldn't concentrate on a select few, neither should it be determined to give every character a storyline. Kirk is brilliant in his supporting role and fans don't think any the less of him for not being centre stage. It feels more natural for Steph to pop up here and there, and it's characters like hers that should link the different storylines. She could be part of the Platt saga and, at the same time, interact with Luke and Tyrone/Maria/Kevin. I'm so fed up with 'The Families' who dominate Corrie, that free spirits like Steph are a breath of fresh air.

  3. She started out great. Then they paired her with Andy and she became a blithering fool, going along with everything he wanted, agreeing to carry out illegal moves, screwing over her employer, going along with the ridiculous lies, ALL because of him. I am disappointed in the way they portray women on this show.

  4. What's interesting about Steph is she's just turned up. She didn't get a grand introduction with a press release and a big media event. The producers just liked the actress and asked her back on a permanent basis - much as happened with Graeme, another favourite of mine. I love Steph for being a realistic, angst free girl who's just having a good time.

  5. Perhaps she is well liked precisely because she not been involved in some convoluted plot where she steals someone else's man/murders/arsons/gets pregnant/kidnaps.

  6. Please don't say more please, I think she's on screen just enough of the time. When TPTB hear someones popular they have them on way too much and the character burns out; Becky, Tina etc. I agree that the street needs characters who are 'just there'and have a character led storyline every now and again. Emily's made a career out of doing just that for over half a century! - Micky

  7. It would be nice if they did expound on her back-story, letting viewers get a feel for who she is, how she was raised, and how her culture affects her lifestyle. They just dropped her on the cobbles as this racially/culturally ambiguous character. Whereas, in comparison, Shayne ward was just announced as joining the show to play the "half-Irish" cousin of Michelle Connor. Steph has to have some sort of background. From where does her family originate? And get she get some others of a similar background to interact with on the Street? I'm just saying.

  8. Sometimes I think they overload the characters with too much background, whether in terms of cultural (Nazirs), racial (Jenna and her mom), or sexual (Billy) information. Then they have to occupy storylines that focus on that background one way or another. I agree that Steph is refreshing because she doesn't carry too much baggage. Along with Luke, she might be the Street's most 'post-racial' character (borrowing a phrase from Obama) just because the writers don't dwell on that aspect of her identity. I don't mean to say that we should totally ignore race, just that it's a sign of progress when it doesn't have to be a character's centre of identity.

  9. Like you Flamin' Nora, I love everything about Steph. Sparkle is the word - she could start a party in an empty room. I do hope she gets something really meaty and is able to show what a one woman wonder she is.

  10. I love Steph and Luke when he's not paired with Maria. Not so fond of Izzy and Gary though. It always makes me laugh when the producers make big announcements about pop stats joining the cast because we never know who they are over here! It's much better when an unknown on both sides of the pond actor just happens to work out and they decide to keep them.

  11. I love this character, this post AND all of the comments! You've hit a chord here for sure. I agree with many of the comments, and also light up when she's on screen!

  12. I have enjoyed this young lady and hope that the writers and Mr. Blackburn keep her around for a long time.... If the writers were to find her a nice 'Tyrone-type fella'....they could be great. The street needs a few more solid couples to stand the time....

  13. I love Steph! She didn't go along with Andy, she is the one that always pushed for him to tell Michael but then Michael was always on verge of a major ticker time out. I actually do like her and Andy together, Monday's episode before Audrey came in, is one reason why I love 'em two together.

  14. The thing I like about Steph is that, in spite of going along with Andy, overall she seems to have some sort of moral compass. That's why I hope they don't have her end up hopping from bed to bed as so many of the other characters do.

  15. Another Steph fan here, I would like to see a bit more of her, but not overkill. Can we get rid of Anna, Bethany, Sarah and a few others and give some of these other characters some more screen time? Please?
