Tuesday 9 June 2015

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, June 15 - 19

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Monday June 15 to Friday June 19

Fiz returns, Jenny kidnaps Jack, Alya flirts with Jason, Talisa arrives, Gary proposs to Alya.

The full weekly preview, with pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. If Alya needs Jason to protect her from a lecherous client, I don't think she's going to give Carla much of a run for her money. She should have attended Carla's master class in leading on harmless letches that night at Nick's private wine-tasting party.

  2. Dan, Dan the Brewery Man
