Tuesday 9 June 2015

Alya sleeps with Jason on Coronation Street

There's a Coronation Street spoiler for next week's Corrie in Inside Soap magazine today.

Alya, coping with her grief over losing dad Kal, will take comfort in the arms of thick-as-a-brick-but-quite-cute Jason.

They get together after Alya has a blazing row with Gary and Jason helps her out with a difficult client in The Bistro.   And after they've hit the duvet, Alya is torn when Gary apologises for their argument, and proposes to her.

Sair Khan, who plays Alya, has been on Coronation Street for over a year now.

I'd still love Gary and Izzy to get back together.

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  1. Good grief. Do the writers/storyliners actually know any Asian women of Alya's age? And how many of them would behave like this. Zero, that's how many. Boring, yes, but ridiculous? Definitely.

  2. A storyline that really didn't need to be written.

  3. I don't know a lot of/any British Asian women, but I've known Jason Grimshaw for 15 years. No way would he ever do that. Hate hate hate when they are pushed out of character.

  4. I have said it before, not every human action is impelled by sex, except on this Street. Lazy writing in my opinion.

  5. WHAT??? No way would Jason betray his mate Gary. Sloppy writing. They pull the cheat card out way too often on this show. It's sickening. And Alya jumping from guy to guy? Ugh.....
    And Gary proposing? Please.....It's as stupid as Kal proposing to Leanne. What was the point of bringing in a new "ethnic" family, if we learn nothing about their culture and they just write them to be exactly the same as everyone else on the street? Gary & Alya? Give over.

  6. I like this storyline, it's interesting and will be so good to watch.

  7. In true Corrie fashion,ALya will be pregnant just as Eva returns and recocnciles with Jason.It's ironic for Alya to betray Gary this way when they met after a one night stand and he ended his relationship with Izzy to be with her.

  8. To 9 June 2015 at 13:01,

    I thought that the Nazir family were Middle Eastern not Asian. Am I missing something here?

    - Pod

  9. Isn't anyone faithful in Coronation Street anymore? The show seriously needs new management from the top down, Producer, writers and storyliners. How many more affairs, one night stands? Clearly they are now scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

  10. Disappointing news.....I have really enjoyed Alya... Jason...oh my...why him?? I agree with the one commentor....it would be nice if Gary and Izzy would get back together....

  11. @Pod - I believe the Nazirs are meant to be Pakistani, whereas Dev's family is from India, thus the difference in faith. The Nazirs are Muslim and the Alahans Hindu.

  12. So Alya is giving her 'virginity' up to Jason?! Gary's bessie mate?
    Stuart and his writers really don't do their research and think that all their viewers are culturally handicap like 'em.
    I would have quicker understood that Alya and Gary's relationship really blossomed and they had an out of wedlock child. It is just not 'culturally accurate' of a Muslim woman even in modern society. I guess they need something to just shock and 'awe' Eva back in after her maternity leave.

  13. It'll turn out she slept over at Jason's after having her first experience of getting drunk, without having sex. Didn't the same thing happen on her first date with Gary, except he was the intoxicated one? Also, long ago, didn't Julie fall drunkenly in bed with Jason, and everyone was relieved that nothing happened because later they found out she was his half-aunt?
