Tuesday 10 March 2015

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, March 16 - 20

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Monday 16 to Friday 20 March

Bethany Platt returns, Katy Armstrong leaves, Emily tries to get Sean and Billy back together, Andrea tries to get Lloyd and Steve back together, David and Callum go to mediation over Max.

The full weekly preview, with pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. Ithink sean and billy getting back together has a slightly different meaning to steve nad lloyd getting back together ;)

    1. To be honest Steve and Lloyd are probably the most stable and convincing couple on the street. They would probably work better together than with the girls they've been saddled with.

      But seriously I hope the producers dont mess up their friendship. Their double act is one of the shows major strengths.

  2. Can't Katy Armstrong take the awful Andrea with her.. PLEASE :)

  3. How I read the previous story about Bethany was that she arrives in Weatherfield and is pursued by Sarah. If this is the case, how did the 14 year old manage to get a flight as a minor; does she have a forged passport?

  4. @HumptyDumpty - I imagine she booked the flight online, using Sarah's details - the computerised system doesn't know that a minor is purchasing the tickets, it only cares that a valid credit card has been used. Plenty of parents arrange for their kids to travel alone - a former colleague of mine moved to Dubai and has her stepson over to visit in school holidays, he's younger than Bethany and travels alone; his mother puts him on the plane here and his father meets him at the other end - so she wouldn't raise a red flag at the airport, she'd just tell the airline she's being met. No false passport needed.

  5. Bethany meeting Andy in the pub sounds quite similar to when Nick and Tina 'met' in a restaurant the night before their Gail and Joe's wedding unaware that they were about to become stepsiblings.So the writers are 'keeping it in the family'with recycled scenarios then.

  6. I don't often respond to comments made about my own comment but, given that we have just learnt that three teenagers were able to travel unescorted out of the UK and no questions asked, I feel the producers must take a responsible attitude towards this storyline. In many airlines (can't say all), the 'unaccompanied minor service' is mandatory. This will be picked up at 'check-in' if not before. Also, Ryanair, for example, doesn't allow minors eg Bethany's age to travel alone at all. This is from the 'Cheap Flights' website:

    "Most carriers require that an adult drop off the child at the check-in counter and wait in the airport until their flight has departed. Airline staff will then chaperone the young flyer through every stage of their journey. Upon arrival at the destination, minors will only be released into the custody of a pre-approved adult with photo ID."

    OK, some travellers will slip through the net whatever rules are in place as we've seen. It's a hot topic atm and Corrie producers need to ensure that they don't provide a brilliant copycat idea for other teenagers.

  7. Let's be realistic here, given what we already know about Bethany from this week's spoilers, I think it's safe to assume that she knows how to get fake identification if she needs it to travel (or for any other purpose).

    A 14-year-old who is willing to flee the country on her own is likely also more than capable of manipulating those around her to get whatever she wants (well beyond a few drinks at the bar).

    I have zero sympathy for Chesney, whom I find to have become the most detestable person. He and Katy decided to deliberately get pregnant when they are still children, live in squalor and then split up. Big surprise that living in Portugal would be a better opportunity for Joseph in the long run and since we rarely see him on the screen with Chesney, I somehow think he'll get over it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. If Tracy can get away with murder, how could anyone watching find a comfortably well off teenager who lives in a sophisticated city accomplishing a bit of online mischief unbelievable? Esp if she's related to David Platt?!! A phone and some weepy dramatics, easy peasey.

    Buh bye, Katy. Don't let the door hit Joseph on the way out.

  10. I beg to differ Llywela, living overseas, with my children you always have to show identification before putting your child in the hands of the airlines because of the huge global child trafficking problem. Children aren't allowed to sit with other single adults on the flights and are moved to first class for the last 2 hours so they can leave the airline first. They even carry the passport on behalf of the child. There are a number of rules and regulations and you have to sign your child 'over' before they are allowed to fly unaccompanied. Airlines and airports take unaccompanied minors security very seriously indeed!

    I think Bethany Platt took the No27 bus by the sounds of things!

  11. Anonymous,For what it's worth,I think the few times we have seen Joseph,he's with his father while Katy seems to spend more time with Callum in the pub then with her own son.
    I feel sorry for Chesney and Katy is the one who's out of line making the decision to take Joseph abroad without discussing it with him first.

  12. Bethany is over 14 so can travel as an adult on Flybe flights from Milan to Manchester.
