Tuesday 10 March 2015

Coronation Street to tackle domestic abuse

Stuart Blackburn announced this morning on ITV This Morning that a new summer storyline will focus on domestic abuse, but with a twist.

The characters involved will be Leanne and Simon but the twist is that it will be Simon that will be harming Leanne. It may not be all that surprising, considering the upheaval that lad has had in his short life. Simon, now 12, will be seen hurting Leanne in a series of "brutal" attacks. It wouldn't be the first time that Simon has acted out, but he has never become violent.

It will be interesting to see how Coronation Street handles this issue. While it might seem a bit odd, Simon is growing up and getting taller. Puberty is already getting a grip. Viewers may have noticed Simon's voice changing. These years are always tough on kids, often changing teenagers' personalities for the worse. I think it's worth a "wait and see".

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  1. Let me guess,Leeanne will be falsely accused of abusing Simon and no one will believe he's the abuser just like no one believed Tyrone was innocent when Kirsty was abusing him.
    When is Anne Kirkbride's[Deirdre]death going to be acknowledged? It's unrealistic for Deirdre to be gone this long without a mention.

  2. This is the kid that last week still needed someone to take him to and from school!?

  3. I think that Simon's real father should be uncovered. How can he be the son of Peter Barlow and the blonde florist?

  4. Colin Schmollil10 March 2015 at 17:12

    I cant see anyone beating up that Battersby girl. Leanne is a tough nut. Simon is just wierd. Now he has grown up they shoudl write him out, send him off to College or sommat

    1. He's 12! What kids do you know go to college at 12?

  5. I agree with Sophie Bird. That kid has never looked right in that role.

  6. Alex Bain is a good actor. Unfortunately, he's been made to play his character as a five year old. I look forward to watching him interact with Jane Danson, who hasn't been used well either recently.

  7. Oh jeez, here's another personality transplant. I can't buy this. Simon, who wouldn't hurt a fly and runs into everyone's arms like a five year old is supposed to start hitting Leanne, who let's face...takes no crap from anyone. The first try and she'd be dragging him down the stairs by his ear over to Ken and Nick for a good talking too and then some.

  8. Get rid of the obnoxious brat, could never stand him from day one.
    I agree with Sophie, who is the real father?

  9. Simon's a good kid, now they're going to make him trouble when all along he's been great. Why not Amy, she' showing she's exactly like her mother, would fit more. And Norris need to know more about him. Leave this kid alone.

  10. Totally agree that the story would be far better with Amy. Simon has always been too cute and babyish. But annoyed at the repeat of the Tyrone storyline just a couple of years later.

  11. People don't usually think of abuse taking this path, but I think it's more common than we would like to believe.

  12. I think this has the potential to be an okay storyline actually, despite the some similarities to Kirsty/Tyrone. He is a good actor and we've seen his slightly creepy side before so I think he'll play it well. I think the fact that Leanne IS such a strong, no-nonsense woman has the potential to play out in interesting ways. Compared to Amy he's had a much more traumatic life so I see it as believable.

  13. I'm sure the acting will be good, but couldn't we have a more uplifting storyline featuring poor Leanne? Like: She breaks up with Kal because he's boring and they have zero chemistry. The Nazir family are then suddenly called away to visit a sick uncle and are never seen or mentioned again. The hens could then move into No 6, because they have more interesting personalities than the Nazirs:)

  14. I've said it before and I'll say it again, that kid Simon looks like the Devil (and not a bit like any of his alleged parents). Nothing evil that kid has or will ever do can surprise me.

  15. We all hated the Faye pregnancy idea when it was leaked but it has turned out to be an interesting story so far. Alex Bain is a good actor; he can't help it if his parts are written as if he were still watching Postman Pat with Granny Blanche. This could be good, and does not involve the Platts. I do, however, wish that Simon would get sick or something just to find out that, in some convoluted way, the lovely and ever so deserving of a decent son Lloyd is his real dad.

  16. Ho hum, here we go when soaps have to take on 'issues' with a twist to be different. Smacks of desperation when they've already done the domestic violence with a twist once. Same, same, same with Corrie rehashing.

    Those saying that Simon is a good kid, I beg to differ. He's always been obnoxious and cheeky where the adults have always sat around and laughed at his little quips. His put downs and rudeness sometimes were quite nasty. But his family all laughed at his cuteness when he was younger. He actually comes across as spoiled.

    A no Battersby would let a 10/ 11 year old get the better of them. Crikey, just look at Leanne's past. Another personality transplant for the sake of ratings, which shows the Corrie of old has gone.

  17. @abbyk, thank you, what a great response! I love Simon. Please, tptb, don't destroy him.

  18. Simon needs to be gone somewhere, too annoying.

  19. What about sending him to live with Peter? That would do it!

  20. Producers of the Show don't know what to do with kids who are neither toddlers nor teenagers , they seem to think that nobody watching will notice that Simon / Max are 10+ but behave like Babies- then they seem to be in a rush to give them "young adult " Storylines.
    2 weeks ago Max needed help with his pitiful "Welcome home Michael" banner , yet in corrie it's entirely Feasible that within weeks he'll be dealing drugs in school

  21. Max is turning into a little brat no surprise there considering his parents. Wouldn't miss him one bit if his "real Dad" took him and left for good.

  22. @NickJay6 (Manchester)11 March 2015 at 12:16

    I don't know if it's the actor or the way it's written but I've NEVER liked Simon as a character - then again look at all the soaps (the ones I watch anyway - Emmerdale, Corrie and Eastenders) and ALL the young kids/teenagers are there to throw wobblies and tantrums, be obnoxious, disruptive and generally make you want to stick your fingers down your throat. Simon's no different. One of those "oh no!" moments for me, sorry. Max and Amy are the same. Who'll be next? :(

  23. OMG, not trying to toot my own horn, but what if Simon did turn out to be Lloyd's (or another black man's) biological son. It isn't as if Lucy lived in another part of the world, it's possible. Besides the obvious challenging stuff of discovering the parental mixup, he'd also be a teen raised thinking he was white but discovering that he was actually mixed race. Race isn't often brought up on Corrie, the only time I can think of was when Steph asked if anyone at Audrey's was qualified to do black hair. This could be a very interesting story.

  24. @abbyk - totally agree!


  25. Simon is clearly the biological grandson of Peter Ingram whose widow Mike Baldwin had an affair with in the 90s

  26. Lol yes he just looks like Jackie Ingram!

  27. Plot twist - Simon AND Jason both turn out to be Lloyds.

  28. I really like the idea of a Lloyd plot twist, maybe because I like Lloyd and I like Simon. But I also think we're getting too hung up on racial issues. I'd like to think the producers cast Alex Bain because he was a talented child actor and because they wanted us to see past race. Some of the comments I've read about him over the years make me cringe - comparing him to Satan's spawn and so on. Would people say the same thing if he was blonde and blue-eyed? No one ever says that kind of thing about Max.

  29. Stuart Blackburn is ruining Coronation Street. Does he have a contract, can he be voted out?
    We need a new leader.. quick!!!

  30. I can't see Leanne taking this either....and Simon adores Leanne. The only way I can see this ...is if Leanne has affair with Nick while still with Kal and Simon's life is once again derailed by a selfish parent.

  31. Oops, they've already just started this boy-abuses-mother plotline on EastEnders.
