Saturday 7 March 2015

Gail's Hen Night High-Jinks

Let's just forget how silly it is for Gail to be getting married a sixth time. After all, Didn't Elizabeth Taylor do it more than that? (* marriages according to th'interweb). And a hen night might be a bit repetitive but in Gail's case, it really is tradition!

I loved the hen night. Sally, Audrey, Maria and sometimes Liz and Michelle joined up in feting Gail with Eileen providing the sparring partner. That long standing feud never gets old for me. Sometimes Eileen gets the upper hand and sometimes Gail does. They were both on fine form at the do but I think Gail, as the bride, did get the upper hand. Eileen ended up moaning about her single status by the end of the night and then discovered that her employers wanted to sack her!

And as a barmaid, she was pretty crap. Normally, I would enjoy her banter over the bar but Eileen does take it a bit far and she was putting people off buying drinks, insulting the customers (even if one of them  happened to be her nemesis) and defacing the decorations for the hen party. That's all very unprofessional and definitely sacking offenses.

I loved the banter over Anna Karenina even if Ken's personal copy of the book was bigger than the Gutenberg Bible. That was a bit ludicrous. Why would he imagine Audrey would want to lug a book that size around? If he wanted her to try it, why not a less intimidating paperback copy? I've seen them. They are about the size of a sandwich. Leave it to Ken to be supercilious as always but wasn't it great to see Sally surprise him with an astute analysis of the story, albeit gleaned from Google! Audrey might be better watching the movie, I think. Anna K is a good story, and a tragic romance but it's not as easy a read as modern day "chick lit" romances. 

Erica's appearance put a shadow into the works, with Gail furious to see Nick's recent cougar-lover back on the scene.  It really brings the Ivy Tilsley Brennan out in Gail!

What I loved the most, though, was Gail informing the WindStrongs that Callum was, indeed a drug dealer, citing Kylie as proof. Callum can pull the wool over Katy's eyes as much as he wants, and, let's face it, it's not a difficult job to do, but now the idea is germinating with Owen and he's far more suspicious.

Michael ended the night later on, uttering the Soap Opera Phrase of Doom, that nothing would stop him from making her his wife on Monday. We shall see. With Gavin blackmailing Andy, and threatening to expose the fraud sky high, it might be a bumpy walk up the aisle!

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  1. I don't want to put a damper on other people's enjoyment of the episode but I found the hen night a bit cringey. Gail is always getting tipsy these days so she wasn't showing another side to her character on her hen night. I love Helen W but she doesn't do a good drunk. Stop it, writers, not funny anymore. I did like the other girls in the gang with some nice repartee between them. Sally outshone them all.

  2. Actually the only time I enjoy Gail is when she's tipsy. I think she's hilarious, and the venomous banter with Eileen is the icing on my cake. Normally Gail drives me bonkers. And let's talk about Anna's Brazil faux pas... Hilarious!

  3. Michael seems to be awfully spry after just having had his chest hacked open.
    I was under the impression that getting your chest bone cut down the middle and then having it wired back together would put a damper on your upper body movement for more than a week or whatever it's been since he got out of hospital.

  4. I also thought the hen night was cringeowrthy not so much because of Gail's drunkness but due to Eileen's childish [defacing the decorations]and mean-spirited attitudes towards the customers,she should've been fired long before this when she opened Lloyd's bag of crisps[so much for watching his dietafter his heart attack] and helped herself to a few.
    I also wondered who is looking after Joseph while Katy is out with her latest druggie boyfriend?

  5. Gail revealing Callums profession to the Windstrongs was the evenings high point, Eileens misbehaviour the low, with the Gavin saga a close 2nd. Also liked that Roy finally realized that he wants to learn how to drive, that he isn't doing it for someone else. Is there some reason that Sharif can't plant a garden in his own yard? It isnt as if they have a house full of children who need a place to play.

  6. Oh yeah, and why exactly weren't David and Max at Michaels stag? Kids can go to a bistro.

  7. abbyk,Unlike Katy and some of the other residents[e.g Kevin],David was being a responsible parent at home with his children,Max and Lily.

  8. Speaking of parents, when Anna and Owen were arguing, she said that Faye was his daughter too. When did that happen?

  9. It seems pretty likely that Owen will go back to Linda eventuallu. It would help to reconcile Izzy and Katie to him, and perhaps help reduce the guilt he feels for hurting Izzy so much. I don't much like the way Anna has been behaving recently, particularly towards Roy, but I do feel sorry for her at the moment. She is outnumbered by Armstrongs, and she is feeling shut out. Of couse Owen is not Faye's dad, Tim is. Anna said that to try and keep Owen on her side.

  10. Frosty the Snowman8 March 2015 at 07:22

    Quite enjoyed the hen night scene but didnt quite understand why Ken plonked himself down with the "girls". He already seems superfluous with Diedre gone.

    Also quite liked the good natured battle for the allotments and that Sharif had gone to get petrol and not left Roy. I am not a fan of the Nazirs but I think Sharif could be developed into quite a good older character without his shreaky harridan wife.

    As for Michael Rodwell - well what a buffoon this man has been turned into. Agree with curious that he has just had major surgery but is already boozing again and the stupidly laughable remark he made to "son" Gavin when he was all bloody with shirt hanging off after being ostensibly attacked - to "stop being glum" was preposterous. This character is very irritating now

  11. I loved the banter about Erica being a jaguar/panther/cougar/tiddles!

  12. The hen scene reminds me of why I watch Coronation Street. In the midst of of all these dreary storylines, it stops taking itself seriously and makes you laugh. Eileen was a low point for me though. As someone mentioned, she was just childish and she and Gail can always have a good go at each other so why make her childish, not just with defacing the picture but also the faces the pulls.

    Gail telling the WindArm's what Callum does was the cherry on top. I'm surprised she didn't share more information. Katy being with Callum doesn't make sense to me. A month ago she was talking about training for a career and now she's happy dating a drug dealer who just came back into the life of his son? Yep, that's the guy you want to be stepfather to your child.

  13. So, before Owen leaves, can he please beat the malevolent Callum to a messy pulp? He's good at that sort of thing, and Callum's already overstayed his dubious welcome.
