Sunday 8 March 2015

Corrie weekly awards for March 2 - 6

Overkill award: Ken trying to upgrade Audrey's literary tastes with Anna Karenina. Not a bad choice but couldn't he have picked up a slim paperback version? They do make them. Why on earth would he give her a doorstop of a book like that?

Driver (potential) fail: Tyrone is going to give Roy a driving lesson. At 5 p.m. Rush Hour. Yep, that's gonna be relaxing. Not.

I need clean pants award: Andy saw his whole life crashing in front of his eyes when Steph told him Gavin was back.

Calling Canada award: Michael doesn't want to be found naked, tied to a pole in Nova Scotia after his stag do. Trust me on this. You don't want to have much skin bared to the elements this winter in Nova Scotia. I should know!

High Noon award: Is it going to be garden spades at 20 paces across the allotment? Will Roy and Sharif be able to share peacefully?
It was certainly bridal bouquets at dawn in the verbal sparring between Eileen and Gail. Wonderful stuff!

Executive Fail award: Sally's briefcase. Empty. Just for show. I love it! She tries but never quite figures it out, does she?

Ivy Tilsley Brennan award: Erica's back and Gail's not happy about it.

Show yourself up award: Anna's got the native language of Brazil wrong. Being smug about it only makes her look worse.

Winter of our Discontent award: They're really poking great holes in Anna and Owen's relationship. You can see where this is going, can't you?

Wrong end of the Stick award: Steve only caught the end of a conversation and thought Liz had already sacked Eileen. Ooops!

Phrase of Doom award: Michael "Nothing is going to stop me from making you my wife on Monday"

Lines of the week
Beth "It's really depressing coming home every night stinking of death" (isn't it just?)
Norris "She (his first ex-wife) bought me gray trousers, a gray shirt and a gray sweater. I looked like a walking shadow" Rita "Not the human dynamo you see before you today!"
Sally "I don't know how you behave in your home, but in mine we respect our soft furnishings" (I *heart* Sally!)
Gail "Crumble's just an excuse for custard" Michael "Who needs an excuse for custard!" (true, that!)
Sally "When am I moody?" (um.)
Gavin on cooking "Quickest way to a man's heart" Steph "If he's got one" (meaning Callum)
Roy "I'm preparing... for a high stakes game of horticultural mastermind"
Gail to Eileen "If anyone chucked flowers at you, they'd probably wilt on contact"
Sally to Maria "I saw you nibbling away like a small woodland creature"
Gail "Yes, Eileen, just close your mouth and open the bottle"
Anna "They speak Brazilian in Brazil. Even I know that" (Portuguese, actually)
Eileen about Gail "Her and Nick have a weirder relationship than Norman Bates and his mother" (and that's actually true!)
Eileen "I'm nothing if not professional" (seriously?)
Audrey to Steve and Lloyd "D'you know, you two don't half know how to kill a mood"

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  1. Frosty the Snowman8 March 2015 at 09:04

    Frosty is pretty busy today but will put one award:

    WHY award: What on earth is Erica doing back? A totally meaningless old lush. I thought her brief stay before was to get Nick back on track. Why bring her back again????? For goodness sake Mr Blackburn how many pointless characters can there be?

  2. Agree with you Frosty, I enjoyed her brief stint before as it lightened Nick up, but as a permanent fixture? No ta.
    Some great lines this week.

  3. My own favorite line of the week had me laughing until I cried:

    Faye: "I don't want to go to France!"
    Owen: "Nobody does, love, but sometimes you just have to go through the motions."

  4. Erica's return feels like a device for Nick and Leanne reconciling. Maybe Nick gets back to his old self through a brief affair with Erica, and then looks for something long term.

    Nick is mid-30's but Ben Price looks his age ie early 40's. Erica is a friend of Liz so must be early 50's but Claire King, who plays her, could pass for late 40's. Nick is supposed to be having a fling with an older woman which is why Gail is outraged. It doesn't ring true just as Kal looks too young to have children in their 20's.

  5. To answer the question a why is Erica back,at the risk of sounding cynical,it's to give another member of the overused Platt family another storyline despite the fact they're in two storylines already!No wonder other characters[Owen,Julie and Maddie]are leaving,they realise that if your character's last name is not Platt,or Tilsey you won'tbe featured that much in storylines.
    As for Owen and Anna's relationship becoming strained,I think Anna is to blame for putting Gary first,sleepng with Phelan to kep him out of jail and being nasty to Roy even though her son tried to rob him!I really don't feel sorry for her.

  6. Long Arm of Soap Justice: to Anna, finally. She was painted up all sweetness and light when Haley was dying but adults don't really have personality changes and when she arrived, she and Eddy were absolute trash. Losing her man? No tears here. It's Soap Justice, after what she kicked off for Joe McIntyre. Her 12 year old is in the family way? That's icing on the cake.

  7. Couldn't agree with you more Abby.

  8. Regarding the heavy concentration on two families, the writers used to be better at making the drama of one or two individuals reverberate across the community. What's working about Faye's storyline is that the pregnancy has actually removed her from Cove Windass and brought her into connection with Craig and Sally. Moves like that make the Street breathe more. I agree that the whole Platt/Bistro world gets claustrophobic.
