Saturday 16 August 2014

Anne Kirkbride offered new Coronation Street contract

We love Deirdre Barlow here at the Coronation Street Blog. We also know that tabloid rumours and tittle-tattle are generally untrue and not to be trusted.

However there's a report this week that I do hope is true.  The Sun has reported that Anne Kirkbride, who plays Deirdre, has been offered a new contract worth £250,000 to stay on the show for another 12 months.

Mr Curry Sauce told The Sun "Anne is delighted with her contract renewal - it has further cemented her role as an indispensable cast member. It's another positive note for her after Bill Roache returned to the set recently. She found his time away very tough. They have been a double act for so long that it was strange for her to be without him. But now, thankfully, things are back to normal for them. This contract is yet another bonus for her."

A Corrie spokesperson told The Sun: "We don't comment on contracts."

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  1. I'd happily smoke and carry a dog around for £480 a minute. Where do I sign up?

  2. Anonymous 21:06,
    It took her over 40 years to reach that amount. That's dedication, not to mention perseverance!

  3. Maybe they'll give her some storylines now too!
