Tuesday 3 June 2014

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, June 9 -13

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Monday 9 June to Friday 13 June

Owen lashes out at Gary, Steve begs Michelle to take him back, Tim gives Sally an engagement ring from Barlow’s Buys, Tina’s mum arrives, Carla loses her cool in the factory

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. No, no, Steve, don't do it! Run away!

  2. Since when are adults required to tell grown offspring, or anyone else for that matter, who they had sex with? Did I miss the memo? Izzy, maybe, as she and Anna do have a sort of adult friendship, but Katy? Teenaged Katy who cheated on the father of her child? Send Faye to Tim & put this family in the cupboard already. They careen from bad to worse with no redeeming value.

  3. Frosty the Snowman3 June 2014 at 07:37

    Katie's rather over the top outrage at Anna's dirty deed, obviously forgetting how she as a young mother behaved with Ryaaaan, is obviously the beginning of the actress leaving the Cobbles.

    Sorry to repeat myself but Dennis hanging around is nothing short of embarrasing, he should have stayed gone with Glo.

  4. Superb... 'Tim gives Sally an engagement ring from Barlow’s Buys' Can't wait to see how Tracy rubs this one in to Sally Special.

    Tim's just what we need in that house. By the time Michael Le Vell 'finds himself,' he'll have forgotten how to act (except in court)...

  5. I found it very odd that David and Rita only decide that it was necessary to call Tina's mum when the Dr said it was serious. Erm, wasn't it serious enough in their eyes before that to call her mother? Rita wouldn't leave the hospital not even to change her clothes. She was camped there looking pitiful and they all were wailing and looking mournful. Tina was breathing through a tube and had all wires and leads coming from her....... yikes, they didn't think that was serious enough?
    And why did the Dr refer to them as "I will inform her relatives" when she died? And isn't it usual that under such circumstances they wouldn't discuss a patient with anyone other than a relative, so getting Tina's mother there would have been a priority I would have thought.
    Why don't Corrie writers cross the t's and dot the i's anymore? sloppy!

  6. Beth,I thought the same thing too and also wondered as her stepmother why wasn't Gail at the hospital instead of David who's her ex and married to someone else? Surely she would've known how to contact Tina's mum?
