Monday 2 June 2014

Coronation Street Double Episode Review 2 June 2014

It seemed  possible. The news was quite good  - it looked as if Tina just might make it make it. But just as Rob arrives, so does the crash team who set to work on Tina, who, ultimately loses her life.

The death of a young person is particularly tragic and the circumstances in which Tina died and the misery of her last few moments on earth make her particular death even more tragic. Days before, even hours before, she was full of hope that she and Peter would be going to Portsmouth together. Her disappointment must have been heartbreaking - Peter was not going away with her, he was going to be a father again, he was staying with his wife and he had not packed even one bag.

On learning the news, Rita and David are inconsolable. All those years unlived. Peter Barlow would have been a name in the past eventually, if she had lived her life.

Leanne is suffering at the moment and recognises her priority is Simon. Nick pays her until the end of the week then tells her he needs the bistro keys.

Sally makes a lasagne from scratch and a sticky toffee pudding but Tim dines at Anna's with Faye, pizza and oven chips.

Peter is desperate to speak to Carla but he's not going to have much luck there. Rob tries to encourage   his sister to eat but she is too preoccupied by  trying to get hold of her lawyer, Pauline Mansell. Carla leaves a message on her answer phone and shortly afterwards Pauline arrives looking very chic in monochrome. She tells Carla that if she is needed, Carla can ring her at any time of the day or night.

At Deirdre's, Peter looks dreadful - a broken man and Rob doesn't look much better. Rob launches into a rant at Peter, fuelled no doubt by his own guilt. He comments first of all that there is still plenty of room in the gutter for winos. 'All this is down to you,' he tells his brother- in -law. 'It should be you in that hospital' he says and that, 'All you do is destroy people.'

Back at the hospital, Rita asks the consultant, 'Can you give us permission to hope?' Cautiously, the consultant replies, 'It's a first step.'

Doing his best to help Amy practise for the school concert, Steve is doing his bit. Both h and Amy are wearing tiaras. The police come in, wanting to question Steve, who surreptitiously slips off his headwear.

The police, as they should, ask probing questions and Steve admits to knowing about the affair and shares with his interrogators the difficulty of keeping it to himself, especially as Michelle is Carla's best friend. 'That's stress,' he says. Steve is quite right. When we're angry we say we're  going to kill someone, but we don't carry it out of course. He admits that Carla said she would kill Tina but is certain she didn't mean it. And, of course, so are we.

Liz is feeling very guilty. 'If I'd have said something, we might not be here now.' Maybe that's true, but maybe it's not. Who's to know what else might have happened.

Roy's visit to Carla was so well done. In his own way, Roy brings some small comfort to Carla and tells her how much Hayley enjoyed her visits. Roy suggests they go to the pub. Carla gets changed and off they go. Inevitably they see Peter who is desperate to talk to Carla, but Roy steps in. 'I think Carla has made her feelings quite clear.' Peter persists and gets in their way. Roy asks if Peter is threatening him, and at least Peter sees sense here and steps aside.

Shortly after Rob arrives to break the news. Tina has died. We see Rita and David in pieces. Rita tells Tina, ' I shall miss you to the end of my days.'          

In the pub, it's all very sombre, understandably.

Peter arrives and the tension is tangible. Carla steps up. 'Your mistress is dead. You killed her. You seduced her, had an affair with her and you killed her.'

Carla fetches a bottle from behind the bar. 'It's what you want. Go drink yourself to death.'

How long will Rob get away with it? Steph misses her bracelet. We saw it drop.  

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  1. Funnily enough, the character who has been making me laugh through all the doom and gloom of the last few episodes is Tracy Barlow! Kate Ford seems to have upped her game over the last few weeks, or am I just imagining it?

  2. No, I feel the same thing. Some really good moments. Whenever she comes on screen you know there's going to be fun and some good lines.

  3. I thought the actual final moment of Tina was a bit of a let down. Usually there's a big deal made of a characters death, but this was over in a flash. Only the reaction of Rita and David later made it dramatic.

  4. I thought there some terrific bits in both episodes last night, and some sparkling dialogue, which doesn't happen very often these days.

    It was a nice twist that Rob was at the hospital to see Tina die, and that they didn't go the clichéd route of having him turn off her life support.

    And I loved the quiet, shocked reaction in the Rovers when the news broke - so much more effective than today's usual histrionics.

    One criticism - there is a time and a place for Simon Gregson's guerning, and being interviewed by the police I do wish he had played the scene straight for once.

  5. What's with all this paying Leanne till the end of the week? She's his wife - the Bistro is half hers! She was the one who kept it going during all those long - LOOONG -weeks he was in a coma.

  6. Yes and demanding her keys! Nick is becoming a very unsympathic character who started all this in the first place by sleeping with Kylie! Nice to see Kylie supporting David and being very understanding over Tina's death which was all a bit of an anti climax after the massive build up I thought.

  7. I agree Joe, it was nice to see Rob squirming at the hospital as Tina died.

    Cobblestone, we too hollered "BS" at the tv last night over the exchange between Nick and Leanne. I'm not sure who Nick thinks he is, "firing" Leanne when she has been the one keeping the business ticking over while he's been recovering. And never mind blaming David for what's happened, if Nick hadn't slept with Kylie, none of this would have ever happened. He has only himself to blame!

    After Roy's scenes with Carla, I loved the little scene with Steve and Amy dancing in tiaras as the police arrived.

    They are setting us up for interesting summer on the cobbles.

  8. I know I am in a minority here, but the whole Tina dying thing has left me cold. Usually I feel pretty gutted when they kill off a character. I cried for Hayley, Ashley, Jack, Vera, Alma. I even felt bad when Molly snuffed it and Sunita. But Tina? I don't know, I just can't muster up any emotion for her. Maybe because everything has been so saturated with Tina PR over the last month+, that now I am just kind of sick of it all.
    I feel the same way I did at the Titanic movie. They wasted so much time (1.5 hours) before we saw even a trickle of water that all I could think was sink that bloody boat why don't ya!
    Now Tina is gone and all I can think is...whatever.

  9. I'm with Zagg. What's with the Tina forever fan club? She wasn't that memorable other than being a very pretty girl and a completely gobby character that was totally un-loveable, even though most of the blokes on the street tried. Once they got her into bed, they got real tired, real fast.

  10. I agree with Anonymous and Zagg as unlike other characters who passed away like the Duckworths, I also felt no emotion when Tina died simply because she didn't care about anyone else. I mean Tina was having her affair with Peter fully aware Carla was supporting Hayley who was dying and yet she a gets a moment of silence in the pub?I don't think even Hayley received that honor.Tina's picture better not be next to Betty's!
