Friday 9 May 2014

There's something about Mary...

I am aware that I may be in the minority, when I praise Mary Taylor as one of my favourite characters  on Coronation Street. From my point of view, she lights up the screen and I am very ready to listen to her rather strange, even rather archaic way of expression.

So, I know some people despise her for cutting off the phone wires and saying, or rather lying to Norris,  that the motor-home would not start. And who can argue with that? She had got Norris on her own in Bronte country and maybe, and nothing is impossible, Mary had a rather distorted view of herself and Norris as a latter-day Cathy and Heathcliff.

Her first words to Hayley, when she was playing chess with Roy, were, 'I just mated your husband - twice.' Mary did develop feelings for Roy but soon realised that any attempt to have a relationship with Roy would be over before it had begun. Everyone, bar Mary knows how devoted he was to Hayley.

Now, having got most of the bad stuff out of the way, let's take a look at the good stuff. There is no doubt at all that Mary came to Dev's and his children's aid just at the point when he and they needed someone, after the death of Sunita. Mary was brilliant. Her 'weirdness' and her odd ways seemed to disappear when the need presented itself. She was cheerful, sensible, very kind, thoughtful, generous of time and spirit. It is worth remembering that Mary herself does not  have a family and though we can never say never, it seems unlikely that she will now. In caring for Dev's children, she didn't once try to smother them with her unfulfilled maternal instinct, rather she was sensitive to the children's and Dv 's needs and never once over-stepped the mark.

Some may complain that Mary did this in order to find her own sublimation; it satisfied a craving in her,  and so fundamentally it was a selfish act. My argument would be that you can say that about almost anyone. Doctors and nurses become who they train to be  because it satisfies them. It also heals the sick, which is a desirable outcome. People's motives are always questionable, but it matters not if the result benefits others.

Though things went a little awry when Mary introduced the theme nights at Roy's Rolls, the number of covers served on those nights were unarguably good. Her help too in The Kabin cannot be disregarded and though she may have thought that she would find a way in to Norris, even when she was rebuffed she continued to work. She has verve, energy, optimism  and a ceaseless interest in life. Not a bad achievement for a woman who as a girl was bullied physically and emotionally. You've got to hand it to her...

While helping to make jam for Hayley, shortly before Hayley's death, Mary takes on the might that is Emily Bishop.  'Emily claims to be a very experienced and much -praised jam maker. I too have links to the upper echelons of preserve production.' Mary tells all those involved that Emily is claiming that the jam-making is not competitive. Mary then says directly to Emily, 'And yet you've elbowed me in the ribs approximately four times.'

Interestingly, and adding depth to her character, Mary is not blind to the faults of her love object. Walking home one evening, back in February, Rob and Tracy were walking towards them and Tracy called out that they should be called Daffy and Donald. This insult spurs Norris on to reveal to Tracy that Rob kissed someone other than Tracy. Tracy becomes furious! At this reaction, Mary states to Norris, 'You have many endearing qualities, you are community-minded and very, very moral. You're a stickler for detail, the way you scrutinise the grammar on everything you read - it's absolutely fastidious.' That all said, she continues; she tells him that he's a 'despicable busy-body who delights in upset and distress and it's a very stupid man who will risk the wrath of Tracy Barlow.'  

Just this week at the charity race, Dev could not have had a keener supporter. 'Run Dev, run,' she shouts with real passion. Before the race she is stretching and manipulating his legs in preparation for his run and lists what she has brought to cover all eventualities - Deep Heat, vitamins, glucose drops, ankle supports and a first aid kit. A little over-prepared maybe but you can't fault the enthusiasm.

Finally, to strengthen Mary's case a little further, as the runners are in full swing Mary comments, 'A stirring sight, isn't it?  A sort of lycra-clad microcosm of society, united by a common purpose.'

Yes, Mary - it is. May you brighten our screens for many more episodes!

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  1. I like Mary too. She is awesome!

    - Pod

  2. I absolutely love her character. She is an interesting, ecclectic, lovely sunny lady. I hope she gets more story lines. I wish the PTB realized how many of our favourite characters have been put on the back burner for now. Crossing my fingers for more of Mary.

  3. Mary adds the humour that has been sadly lacking over the last few years. We DO need more of her.

  4. LOVE,LOVE L O V E.. Mary!

    The ways in which they can go with the character are endless. I laugh out loud when she delivers lines.

    I want a Mary Mug!

  5. Great to have such terrific support for Mary!

  6. Absolutely right! I didn't like her when they were turning her into an obsessive stalkery type person but now she's back to quirky Mary and all is right with the world.

  7. I like Mary too. When she hugged Dev at the end of the fun run there was a genuine closeness between the two. I'm not suggesting a romance or anything but it would be nice if these two became really close friends. What a refreshing change that would be.

  8. My favorite on Corrie! Brilliant actress.

  9. Way too OTT for me. She should be in a mental asylum!

  10. Humpty Dumpty9 May 2014 at 19:57

    Mary is in the mould of those sexually repressed women that you saw in sitcoms in the 70s and 80s. You get the feeling that she's been everywhere, seen everything but not quite done everything. I do hope she builds a friendship with Gail, and maybe gets involved with the Les Dennis storyline as Gail's only supporter.

  11. Awsome blog Ruth Owen:) I have always liked Mary and look forward to what is going to happen when she appears on the screen. She makes me laugh, she makes me cringe but I always look forward to more.

  12. Great to have such terrific support for Mary!

  13. Thank you very much Sallie!

  14. Finally! A person who loves Mary as much as me!
    I wish Corrie writers would accept that even quirky characters like Mary can find love. She really needs a family to nurture and love and be there for her. |
    I mean really...why can't Mary hope for love when Leanne, Carla, Maria, etc have one love affair after another sometimes two at a time! lol
    Mary is Corrie Gold!!

  15. Can't stand her ever since she tried to ruin Roy and Haley's wedding.

  16. I too am a Mary fan. She was introduced in a very peculiar and strange way, and then she became so very funny. Her comedic timing was excellent, she had me laughing out loud ( are rare event)!
    Since then it seems they're not quite sure what to do with and where to put her, but I too thought she'd found her niche as a baby-sitter, she's quirky and fun, yes, more Mary please!

  17. I didn't like Mary at first. But I was really hoping they would develop her as a carer for Dev's children. Unfortunately that seems to have fallen by the wayside. We never, ever see Dev's kids any longer. When Mary was looking after the children she showed a very, kind and nurturing side.

  18. I agree that Mary took a dark, miserable turn for awhile and that was terrible but otherwise I truly love this character and wish they would do more on a consistent basis with her. Why wouldn't she now pursue a friendship (or heck, eventually a romance) with Roy? She would be a lovely employee/friend for Dev/his kids and it would give her something to still be on the Street for. She has so much potential, I really hope they keep moving forward in her quirky but funny/caring way.

  19. Ahhh yes....another wonderful character..whom I truly hope will be on the cobbles for MANY years to delight us with her wit and prose!! Long live Mary!! A 'closer' Norris/Mary relationship would be fabulous!!

  20. Frosty the Snowman10 May 2014 at 10:26

    Mary can be OK sometimes other times crass and rude and rather annoying. The writers need to soften her a bit and stop her beginning sentences with Aye Aye Aye.........

  21. Anon 04:55 How fantastic would that be?? Pairing Roy with Mary?? Now they are a couple that could bring some very funny antidotes...and so well suited IMHO!

  22. She's just Roy and Ken rolled up into one, in female form IMO

  23. Hate to spoil the love fest or the good discussion of a well written post, but don't like Mary, never have, and cringe every time she has one of her ridiculous OTT moments. When she's reined in, she can be tolerable, like the otherwise pleasant neighbor who regularly fills the building with the aroma of boiled brussel sprouts. Give her a bit more normality (a flat instead of a motorhome on the street would be a nice start) and maybe I'll buy it. No front burner stories, and nothing more than friends with Roy, thank you.

  24. With all her only human faults, I too, like Mary very much and I hope she gets to stay.
