Saturday 10 May 2014

Lloyd's beard - Yay or Nay?

I know he's had a heart attack and he's not well in hospital and all that, but the pressing question of the day is this, Corrie fans.  Lloyd's beard - Yay or Nay?

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  1. Either way - he's adorable! I love Lloyd. ♥

  2. Either way...didn't really notice it much.

  3. Nay. He's way too cute to hide behind it. it reminds me of a chocolate milk moustache.

  4. The beard looks good on Lloyd; he's a handsome man anyway and the upside of beards I've found, is that when shaved off, the wearer suddenly looks years younger.

  5. Nay - he looks older and peculiar.

  6. No. It ages him.

  7. I'm not fussed. I love Lloyd whatever he decides.

  8. Nay. He's better looking without it.

  9. I think he's cute either way! His eyes and smile are his best features so the beard doesn't make much difference.

  10. David TG Riches11 May 2014 at 01:26

    Yaye oh Yaye yes Yupe Yippee affirmitive for Lloyd's Beard!
    Of course Mr Mullaney would shave it in an instant if it meant he can snog the ladies more!
    So let Lloyd's ladies speak out on the beard or the final say!
    I still think it sets Lloyd aside from the rest of the street especially when Peter had a beard and mustache!

  11. A BIG ==YAH===.....looks very handsome on his character and his soul show on BBC Radio 2 !!
