Wednesday 7 May 2014

Steve Huison stars in Last Train to Scarborough

Since leaving Coronation Street as Eddie Windass, actor Steve Huison has gone on to do some sterling stage work - including playing Fat Brenda in Joe Parkinson's stage play.

Steve has joined the cast of The Last Train to Scarborough, which will be staged at the wonderful Stephen Joseph Theatre in Scarborough this summer.

I'm very excited about this.  The Last Train to Scarborough is a wonderful novel by Andrew Martin and I've read it twice. I had our tickets booked for this play, which is being staged as part of the 2014 Yorkshire Festival, months in advance.  And now that I know Steve Huison has been announced as part of the cast, it adds an extra sparkle to the show.  I can't wait.

Book your tickets here and find out more about The Last Train to Scarborough, the stage play.

If you go to see this play and you're in Scarborough long enough to take in something to eat, I'd heartily recommend the Eat Me Cafe on Hanover Road.   Show the lovely people who work there your theatre ticket, tell them Flaming Nora sent you, and see what happens!

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  1. I miss Eddie Windass. Come back Eddie to the Cobbles...all is forgiven!

  2. I'm glad to hear of Steve Huison's success, but I, too, would love to see Eddie back on the Street.

  3. When the show is finished, please ship it off to Canada. And don't forget to send Steve Huison with it!
