Tuesday 6 May 2014

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, May 12 - 16

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Monday 12 May to Friday 16 May

Owen sells his business to Tony, Tyrone punches Todd, Beth goes to Latvia for boob job, Marcus and Todd date, Gail gets new job at gym, Maria’s malice pays off.

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. What was Owen thinking? He should have been applying for that receptionist position at the gym. After all, why wouldn't they hire someone instead of having the personal trainer do it between clients? That's okay, now Owen and the other Windbags can move in with Eileen - she's freed up a lot of space!
    Why did Maria's confession of falling in love with Tyrone (in all of five minutes) turn into Audrey telling Fiz the two had fallen for each other? This is why folk should mind their own business.
    So glad to see that someone finally gave Todd the punch in the mouth he so desperately needs.

  2. This "will she, won't she" Carla and the baby stuff along with Peter's falling off the wagon is about as riveting as an itch between the shoulder blades. Please make it end. Please.

  3. NZ Coro Junkie6 May 2014 at 08:38

    It's May already, isn't Tina dead yet?

    Seriously, how much longer can they draw out this despicable debasement of two previously great characters (Tina and Peter)?

    There is nothing to like about this storyline except the prospect of Carla being a mother. This would be a perfect ongoing story for such a complex and fabulous character. My only fear is that she will miscarry/abort because the short term drama fix seems to rate much higher than the long term character development.

  4. Frosty the Snowman6 May 2014 at 09:54

    More nonsense with yet another 'coincidence' with Peter going somewhere with Tina and a street resident turns up - we already had this with David! Tina hides this time on the fire escape rather than under the table - get a grip writers! And light fingered Izzy loses her job, yea right, no matter what you have done just leave it for a day or two and you will be reinstated. And seriously sour face pensoner Gail as a receptionist in a gym? Do me a favour. How about Steph, at least she would be believable.

  5. Jenna is obvious choice to work at the Gym.

  6. Groan. We are two weeks behind in Canada. I should stop looking at these posts. The writers are really sucking lemons. Nothing to look forward too.

  7. Gail at the gym?! Maybe Tracy should be the receptionist/motivator. "You're fat. Give me ten, dumpy dude!"

  8. Not a good idea - Tracy working around heavy blunt instruments!
