Monday 5 May 2014

Coronation Street Double Episode Review Monday 5 May 2014

The relationship between Lloyd and Steve is one of the great strengths of recent times on Coronation Street. They clearly have real affection for each other and are distressed if they have a fall-out - not that they would admit it to each other. Their relationship conveys real credibility and the competitive aspect of it is amusing to viewers and keeps the two workmates and friends on their toes.

It is the competitive element of their relationship that brings about the pair of them entering into the charity run. Steve has been taking his training at Kal's gym despite the inadvertent punch in the face from Nick during boxing training. Lloyd though has been involved in no such preparations and only recently has been seen drawing on a cigarette a if his life depended on it. (!)

The race begins, Steve and Lloyd neck and neck. Did Steve actually trip Lloyd? Having wound back 5 times it's clear that it is intended to be ambiguous. Steve denies it - well he would, and Lloyd is certain he was tripped. Unambiguous it is that Lloyd collapses on the ground clutching his chest. This looks serious. Steve is gripped with guilt and anxiety over Lloyd's state of health, showing just how much he cares for his friend.

It is serious as the paramedics take Lloyd off to hospital. But where is Andrea? After Jenna has texted her twice there is still nothing from Andrea. When she finally arrives there is  what seems like   a cock and bull story.  It's Patricia who has the problem. Patricia and her husband have had a row and Andrea is the one designated to take Patricia's children to her mother's. Really Andrea, we are as cynical as Jenna and probably with good reason. 'I'm going to rumble her if it's the last thing I do.'

Didn't Andrea promise to be there at the race?  She gave Lloyd a new pair of trainers (was I the only one worrying that if he wore new trainers for the race he would be unwise as they would surely rub?) calls him her little Usain Bolt and tells some obvious lie about Fatima having laryngitis and having to cover for her. So Andrea, there is obviously a secret that you are concealing. When will we get to know exactly what you are up to? Do you really care for Lloyd, despite going through the motions or is it really Steve you have your eye on. It's not in doubt that Michelle is still not keen on Andrea, wanting Steve to beat Lloyd just to see the look on Andrea's face.

Mary was taking no chances regarding Dev's performance. down on the floor, with Mary flexing his leg, a be capped Mary listed what she had brought with her. She has Deep- Heat, vitamins, glucose drops, ankle supports and a first aid kit. She also expresses a wish to shave Dev's legs for reasons of her own, unless it is an attempt to make Dev more streamlined.

Dennis is hoping to worm his way back into Rita's heart. Well, he's already there but so outraged is she that he waltzed off with Gloria. Her pride took a massive blow and it would not be happening again. Norris is relieved that she won't be taking Dennis back.

Dennis is looking for a job, but not too hard. He was in the pub, but claims he only had a half. He arrives at the Kabin with a bunch of flowers. 'Take me back Rita, please!' He tells her she's a wonderful woman, but Rita is not having this. 'If I'm such a wonderful woman, why did you waltz off wit that conniving trollop?' She admits she loves him still but that love isn't enough. There must be trust. Dennis had destroyed that trust. 'I  want you out of my life forever.'  Rita tells Norris how happy she was to have Dennis come back in to her life, but what is there for her at her age? Still, seems pretty final for rita and Dennis.

A relationship which has a better hope for the future is the one between Sally and Tim. Admittedly there are some real differences between them. But, those differences appear surmountable. Sally is a snob and Tim is a bit feckless, or disorganised as he claims. There was some good repartee between the two of them, particularly Tim saying to Sally that she could now watch Scandinavian dramas with subtitles, Sally batting back and saying she didn't know that he knew they existed, was brilliant script -writing.

Oh Anna! Was it worth it for the psychological torture you are now undergoing? At the time, it seemed as if it was an obvious way out of the mess Owen and Gary and their families were in. But, it was so much more than that. The distancing that has come about between Owen and Anna was not something that she predicted. Their relationship seems to be in deep trouble and Owen sees Anna working hard, feeling tired and that hard work, she says stops her from thinking. She doesn't reveal to Owen what she is not thinking about though nor why she doe  not have a minute for him. Faye too gets a mouthful for trying to do some hand washing, because the washing machine is broken, despite Anna having given the machine a few good kicks  Anna screams at Faye and tells her to go to her room. Gently, Owen points out that she was a big harsh to Faye.

Anna's secret will out and the Windass/Armstrong clan will shudder.  

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  1. So wh, when cleaning behind "very partiular army wife" Liz's sofa Anna found several unmentionable items! One of which was presumably an old top belonging to Bet Lynch which Sean later wore to the factory.
    At the fun run the "athletes" wore black lycra, while Eva channelled Baby Spice & bent down a lot in case enough boob was not visable.
    Lloyds heart attack was more about Andrea but nice Steve & Lloyd scenes.
    Michelle (dressed for a nightclub) took the opportunity to mock Steve in public "look at his little legs" but all in all the fun run was well done.
    The mystery was not where was Andrea but where was Gail - Eva & Julie stopped for toilet humour but all three finished together!
    Tim & Sally's relationship remains a joy. A slight worry is Norris about to ponce on Rita (she has been without a man for over a month!).

  2. Frosty the Snowman6 May 2014 at 08:42

    I thought Lloyds acting yesterday one of the most hammy I have ever seen. If you are suffering a heart attack you dont make smart remarks.

  3. Although the fun run looked like it had had quite a bit of money spent on it, the direction, specifically the groups that all crossed the finish line together was poor. After 5 km, with all the main participants trying to outrun each other, Gail, Eva and Julie all finished together (despite Julie's "comfort stop"), Nick and the Ken doll (aka Kal) finished together, despite their rivalry over Leanne), and even Steve and Lloyd looked like they were doing the three-legged race, until Lloyd was tripped up.

    And I agree, Craig Charles' acting was very hammy for someone who was supposed to be having a heart attack. And surely his daughter was supposed to have had enough medical training to have a better idea of what was happening?

    And once again, just as you thought Dev's acting couldn't possibly get any worse... it did!

  4. Dev was dreadful last night, but he is leaving soon, presumably to escape Mary and her ladyshave.

  5. @Frosty, you do if the scene was written by a youngster who is only imagining and doesn't have a clue about real life.

    Shoving Kal in there to offer Lloyd a sip of water (seriously?) when Jenna a. had some medical training, and b. is Lloyd's daughter and shouldn't have left his side, esp. with the huge numpty chorus standing around NOT calling 999 (or however you say it in British). At least Michelle eventually had the presence of mind to get Amy out of there. SMH. Been waiting for a Lloyd story for a long time, but maybe not this one.

    Poor Faye. She did try to do the right thing. Maybe she should go stay with her dad for a while.
