Tuesday 6 May 2014

Reasons to be cheerful about Coronation Street

When fans aren't happy about Coronation Street, we like to make our views known.  And there's a lot to complain about right now, it's clear from blog posts left by very different membes of our team and from the comments left on the blog, our twitter and facebook page too.

But there's also a lot left to like.  And below are the reasons I continue to tune in, five times a week. 

What are yours?

Sally and Tim

Kirk and Beth and Craig

Rita (always)


Threesome in the cab office - Eileen, Steve and Lloyd


Roy and the cafe

Izzy and Gary - of which we see far too little. Mikey North who plays Gary is a star.


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  1. NZ Coro Junkie6 May 2014 at 09:51

    Tim and Sally (I like both individually, but together they are brilliant).

    Tracey and Rob (this partnership is 1000x better than the sum of its parts)

    Deirdre morphing into Blanche quite naturally and delightfully (but please give her more to do than just deliver the odd crack-up line)

    Liz - under-utilised and in danger of being drawn into stale, recycled story lines. What about the post-menopausal women forming a powerful group where they egg each other on to do cool things together?

    The fabulous, complex and tortured Carla who has managed to become quite saintly as of late.

    Beth, Kirky, Craig (and Chesney and Sinead by association). More of them as a family please.

  2. Humpty Dumpty6 May 2014 at 10:47

    There is still a lot left to like. Tim and Sally are an inspired match, and there's plenty of mileage there without, hopefully, drifting into constant break-ups and make-ups.

    Roy should become much more assertive which would be believable now that he has to face the world alone. I can see friendships between him and Norris, and with Maddie.

    Steph is a great addition and could have lots of hair-brained storylines.

    Now what's happening to Liz? She comes back from running a health spa in Spain and doesn't seem to have been changed by the experience at all. We need to see more of her and Deirdre having fun. I don't like the pairing of her and Tony. She wouldn't just follow her libido at this point in her life. I'd like to see her matched with a wealthy, well-established man - a sexy version of Alf.

    When are Kirk and Beth getting married?

  3. I agree with most of your choices FN, but Faye?? Come on.

  4. Rita is a cringe to watch. Even her photo shows how smug and uptight the character is. And she is badly acted, especially when trying to be upset. I know we are meant to feel sorry for her, but I don't, she made mean remarks towards Dennis a few months ago about him being homeless yet never apologized.

  5. Halogens:
    - Sally & Tim, oh yes! Even Kevin reflected their glow; his brief stint was his best in a long while.
    - Streetcars!

    Rita, Deirdre, Roy: none have a story right now, but always a nice warm glow

    - Steph: so far, a great addition. Mixes well with all.
    - Kirk/Beth/Craig: yes, in small doses
    - Jenna: Lloyd has needed connection for ages and she fills that role well. Oh for the day when she gets a real job and he busts his buttons with pride.
    - Simon & Carla: they seem to have come to an understanding over Peter.

    Black holes: sucking the light out of all they encounter
    - the Windass/Armstrongs, except for, go figure, Faye. For once, she's been acting like a happy, normal kid. I will never abide whining or stupidity, Katy, and have never found Gary & Izzy believable. He needs therapy, and where's the story about a challenged mom raising a baby? He should be walking by now, she can't, that's a story. Every time I see them, I wish Gary smacked me in the head instead of Phelan.
    - Sophie/Maddie: I was a Sophie fan. An instant, baseless relationship between a bright kid with potential who dropped out and a reactionary, rude street kid, this is as pointless and hopeless as it gets.
    - Kal: meh. Another instant relationship that's even worse than S&M (Sophie and Maddie, get your head out of the gutter). They're adults not 12 year olds, she's still married, and he's friends with Nick; that breaks the bro code. And while I wouldn't normally go on about looks, as so many actors are known to change their appearance for a role, he just doesn't look like an ex-army trainer. Keep your shirt on, please.

  6. Faye, Gary, and Izzy? I'd replace them with Steph & Luke and Eva. I'm finding that I like these three. Possibly because they're fun characters with more left for us to learn about them, but they're not being crammed down our throats like other recent new characters.

  7. I agree with most of the FN list except Faye & Mary - Mary is a character who is there to be funny and I find that forced - she has a mobile home - so get mobile & come back now & then with tales from the road.
    Other bright stars for me are Jason, Audrey, David & Kylie & sorry but I like Todd he is an effective & interesting character/actor.
    The biggest black hole for me is Michelle she is Argh! I don't have enough negative adjectives but suffice it to say that if any male character abused a female character as she does Steve there would be justified howls of protest. Let her return to the lads mags where she belongs.
    I also would like to see the back of Sean, he is surely the most boring and deary character, like a bitter old woman - Dillon is growing up move him to London - to spend more time with his familiy.

  8. I quite like the idea of Anna confiding in Liz. i think they would be quite a fun opposites attract friend paring.

  9. Peter and Tina are nearing the end of their relationship, that's something to be cheerful about.

  10. Oh yes, more Eva please. She's fun and so is Steph. I think Luke will be good too once he's got more to do. I'm waiting for the rest of the Windass storyline, there has to be some sort of resolution with Phelan. He can't be left to have got away with all this crap! I've enjoyed that storyline.

    Agree with all your choices. Liking Sharif now they've made him a bit more sympathetic to Kal and less of a hard-nose. I'd like to see him interact with the "oldies", start to make friends with Gail, Deirdre, Eileen, that middle age generation.

  11. Since Dev hired her as his childrens' nanny\housekeeper,Mary has become a gem character on the Street.I liked how the writers developed her more as a character and she can be quite funny at times.I also like how Mary cares about people,helping in the café while Roy was looking after a ill Hayley and standing up to Todd who was bullying Maria.Now that Marcus has gone,Todd has become a male version of Tracy,harasssing Maria every chance he gets.

  12. Oh and i love that Kirk is being such a great big brother now that Maria's having a tough time. He even ruffled Todd's feathers a bit, Todd even had the grace to look a bit scared of Kirk when Kirk got in his face a few weeks ago.
