Tuesday 6 May 2014

Just what is Andrea hiding?

Last night we saw Corrie focus more on Lloyd, Andrea and Jenna - and about time too. I love Craig Charles and Lloyd is a great character. I also think we need to see more of Lloyd and Jenna's relationship on-screen. Where does Andrea fit in though?

We don't know very much about her, although she obviously has some sort of secret. When Andrea first arrived she seemed to have the hots for Steve and Michelle took against her straight away. Initially I thought she was a breath of fresh air and warmed to her. However, now I'm not so sure.

At the moment Lloyd is oblivious to anything untoward going on behind the scenes. However last night, both Jenna and Eileen were deeply suspicious as Andrea's absence from the fun run was explained through what appeared to me to be a cobbled together tissue of lies. It's always the women who smell a rat!

It's nice to see Jenna being supportive and standing up for her dad - more of this please! We don't see enough of them on screen and this is a shame as I think Craig Charles and Krissi Bohn work well together and are very believable.

So what about Andrea then? What is she hiding? I did wonder if she had a child and didn't want Lloyd to know. However given Jenna's appearance in Lloyd's life, it's quite obvious he wouldn't react badly to this. So what then? Another bloke? Is she after Jenna? I don't know - what do you think, and how would you like to see this storyline progress?

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  1. Frosty the Snowman6 May 2014 at 13:21

    More to the point - who actually cares? No doubt a sick child or something equally mawkish just so Jenna nad Eileen 'feel bad'.

  2. I thought we knew she has a child/teenager already or did I imagine that? I think she's probably married or something.

  3. Grandchild perhaps?

  4. SHe has a terminal illness but does not want anyone to know because she does not do pity.

  5. I just hope it is not another possesive mother like Mary or Maureen Holsworth!

  6. Humpty Dumpty6 May 2014 at 17:16

    Because Lloyd is so laid back, it's hard to think of something that would put him off Andrea. Hasn't Steve been to her flat when they were studying so he would surely have picked up on anything unexpected. I can only think maybe she gave up her flat and now doesn't have her own home. She could be a live-in carer for someone who needs regular and emergency care. My guess is Jenna will follow her home and all will be revealed.

  7. You're right, Rebecca. The initial press release that accompanied Hayley Tamaddon's casting said she was the mother of a teenager, whose daughter had encouraged her to go back to college.

  8. Maybe she's a hoarder which is why she doesn't want Lloyd to see her home. Perhaps she's been sneaking off to see a therapist?

  9. I like the hoarder idea. Something really off the wall.

  10. I would like for her to be loaded rich like Jack Duckworth's friend was. Remember she lived in a mansion by herself?
    I would like to think that Andrea being unhappy in her privileged life was slumming it....and I would like to see her all glammed up at the Rovers showing Michelle how it should be done! lol

  11. I think we're all forgetting that women on Corrie (at least under the current writing team) are not allowed any storylines that don't revolve around sex/relationships or pregnancy/children. Know your place ladies!

  12. Just saying : that's a good idea!! Would be so cool if she was a lottery/pools winner who had moved there to get away from the moochers.Maybe she had lived the rich life for a couple of years and got sick of it. Would be nice to have someone like that around.

  13. what is Andrea's job? Anyone know?
