Sunday 11 May 2014

Isn't it time we met Myrtle Cole?

Our blogger Graeme asked a while ago if it was time to meet Blanche Hunt's sister Beryl.  And while we're on about bringing in characters we've heard of but not seen, how about bringing in Myrtle Cole?  Myrtle who? I hear you say!

Actress Janet Wright
Last week on Coronation Street Norris told Rita that he had two failed marriages behind him.  I could only remember one - Angela - who also married Norris' friend Derek, or Dirk as he used to call him.  But I couldn't remember Norris having a wife before Angela and so I posted the query to twitter.  The answer came in from Coronation Street fan @AlistairGeddes who told me that Norris was once married to Myrtle, before he wed Angela and before he appeared on Corrie.

Corriepedia confirms this about Myrtle and as I can't find anything about Myrtle having passed away, how graet would it be for her to pop back into Norris' life?  And how about if Rita got jealous with the attention that Norris was bestowing on his ex-wife? Just a thought!

Alistair also says on twitter that he'd love Canadian based actress Janet Wright to play Myrtle.

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  1. Frosty the Snowman11 May 2014 at 09:54

    Not more new characters! Need to get rid of some to make room.

  2. I don't think it helps bringing in new characters with some tenuous link to existing ones. Much better for Norris, in this case if the writers went that route, to muse regularly about Myrtle. She would then join the cast of unseens like Fat Brenda. We would 'see' Myrtle in our minds. Re: Rita getting jealous, it might be enough for Norris's constant chatter about his ex to wind Rita up.

  3. I think there are too many new characters coming into the show too fast as well.
    However it would be good to see more of Norris, and by extension the other senior characters; give a break from the non-stop explosive and shocking story lines given to the young actors.
    His story would naturally involve Rita and other senior characters, which I'd like to see more of.
    I liked Janet Wright's performance in Corner Gas and if her character was to be anything like that, she'd liven up the scene.
    Janet Wright is versatile in comedy as well as drama; so interesting choice Alistair.

  4. Janet Wright would be a stand out on Corrie. What a dream character!
    I only wish it could happen..
    It would allow for so much fun.
    Excellent suggestion.

  5. I have to agree with Frosty - sort out the characters we have got before bringing in anyone new.

  6. I agree with Frosty too and I especially don't need any new characters that would give Norris Cole more air time. He's the worst character and really badly acted too.

  7. In my opinion, the worst actor of all the cast is the returning veteran, Bill Roache. Wooden, dull and surplus to requirements. Of course, it's a matter of opinion and we all have our favourites and non-favourites.

  8. What about actress Ruth Madoc as Myrtle Cole !!!

  9. I would LOVE to see janet Wright come onto the Street as Myrtle Cole. She would be brilliant and provide a new zap of energy that is needed. The older characters seem to be in a bit of a stale rut. And frankly I am tired of seeing Norris mooning over Rita. It would be interesting to see him have a life apart from The Kabin.
