Friday 7 February 2014

Pics: Corrie film a funeral - but whose is it?

There are some excellent paparazzi pictures in The Express this week showing Coronation Street cast filming a funeral. 

But whose funeral is it? 

Could it be Tina's? We know she's going to get bumped off later this year.  Read more on that here.

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  1. I'm thinking it's a Connor relative. Only Carla, Michelle and Rob are in the pictures.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Don't think Carla and Rob have any close living relatives, so must be a Connor relative. Steve's not in the photos but could be out of shot. Could be Barry's funeral but wouldn't that be in Ireland? Could also be Ryan. Overdose in Ibiza or wherever he went to DJ. Michelle loses her son after saying that was the thing she was most proud of, and it comes while she's having marriage problems?

  4. Who wears shorts and stiletto boots to a funeral???
    Rebecca in TO

  5. Maybe it's Michelle's real son?

  6. First of all the 'real' son is never is like the season Bobby Ewing came out of the shower...never happened. lol
    I think it may be a Connor too for all the reasons listed above...but not Ryan.
    I think Michelle's mom or dad.

  7. I think it's either Barry Connor,Helen Connor,Alex Neeson (Michelle's real son)
