Friday 7 February 2014

Corrie Spoiler: Carla Connor's pregnant and plans secret abortion

There's a Coronation Street spoiler in today's Star that says Carla Connor is pregnant - and plans a secret abortion.

The Star says that Carla is shocked when she realises she’s pregnant and instantly decides she won’t make a good mum and starts plotting to terminate the pregnancy without telling husband Peter.
Fans will see Carla confess her feelings to Michelle who tells Carla:  “I’m not going to pretend it’s not hard work because it is. But despite that, it’s still the best thing I have ever done in my life, it’s the thing I am most proud of. You can’t keep something like this a secret from your husband.”

And she adds: “You wouldn’t have an abortion without telling him, would you?”

But Carla hits back: “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. I’d be a lousy mother, like my mother before me. What if I don’t like it? I can’t just sack my own baby. Peter puts Simon before everything, even me. A baby changes everything, he’ll trade me in for a younger model.”

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  1. Michelle's proud of RYAN ?!!?!?!?


  2. Ryan is not hers remember the hospital swap story? No neither do the writers!! :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh the $hit's gonna hit the fan when Carla finds out about Peter and Tina..can't wait!

  5. Given that Chris Gascoyne/Peter leaves this year, I'd guess that Carla has the abortion. Abortion is something that hasn't been covered in Corrie - it's been discussed but not followed through. In fact, this storyline would make a change from the babies that have been born when an abortion was probably the most likely solution eg: Sarah Louise. That's my opinion, of course, and may be shocking to others on here.

  6. Humpty Dumpty - Maria had an abortion, so it has been covered before.

  7. And Leanne had an abortion with Nick - the ending of their first marriage.

  8. Also Tina with David. In Sarah Louise's case when she discovered she was pregnant she was too far along to have an abortion.

  9. I'm curious, is Carla's mother still alive? I wonder if maybe the funeral scenes that we just saw filmed would be her mother given the fact that only Rob, Carla, and Michelle are there. They'll probably connect that story to this one, Carla will be dealing with her mothers death while finding out she is pregnant.

  10. Right, well, I stand corrected on several counts. I should have at least remembered Leanne and Nick. Blame diminishing grey matter.

  11. Don't feel bad, Humpty. There is a big difference between Carla and the rest, including the easily forgotten Natasha. They were all young and/or single, desperate and of very limited means. Carla is mature, married and well off. They were, realistically, scared of not being able to support themselves and a baby or being mature enough to do so. Carla is a grownup who can afford a nanny. So yeah, it's been done before, but not in this circumstance. And, while I don't believe she should without at least telling her husband and dread more screen time for Michelle, Allison King will be brilliant.

  12. Are we going to find out that Tina is pregnant as well and that is why she is bumped off?

  13. This would be quite the blow to Leanne, especially because she was desperate to have a baby and Peter just wasn't interested...and when she was pregnant, it was a fight with Peter about Carla and a (highly contrived) fall down the stairs that lead the miscarriage and subsequent infection that had caused fertility problems..
    But Peter has never show much interest in being a father..
    Rebecca in TO

  14. Carla's mother died a few years ago.

  15. Lord have mercy - Corrie must be the only Street in the world where contraception has never been heard of, the men are shooting torpedoes, or there's something in the water that causes every woman to fall pregnant. No where else have so many had babies, approached adoption/surrogacy, considered abortions, magically fell down the stairs/miscarried, or had false-alarms. Good gracious, soon we'll see babies arriving by drone because there's no method left of approaching this tired, tired story line!

  16. Would be interesting to see Carla raise a baby as a single parent...maybe have a girl and name her Hayley!

  17. Don't forget Natasha that Nick was dating when he was trying to get back with Leanne. She got an abortion, then once Nick changed his mind about wanting the baby, she faked her pregnancy.
    Personally I am against abortion so I am sick of it being used as a plot device. Just my humble opinion.

  18. I think it's likely she would have an abortion if she were pregnant. It would be interesting to see a woman actively choosing to be child free, a modern issue and unusual to see on TV.

  19. Groan. I've never really been a Carla fan, but the one thing I've found interesting about her is the obvious choice she's made not to have children. She's one of the few non-domestic women on the programme, and she's represented a different type of choice that's available to women these days. If she's just going to be turned into another mumsy type, then I think the thing that set her apart will be lost.

  20. I for one would like to see a woman choose to sterilization for herself in order not to become pregnant. I've not seen that done before. If they don't want kids, that's a sure fire way for it not to happen.

  21. The only problem with "sterilization" is that tubal ligation is a pretty invasive procedure, and the permanent alteration of hormone production is a pretty radical change. Women's reproductive systems are more complicated than men's. That's one of the reasons a lot of couples opt for male sterilization.

  22. I had a work colleague who opted to have herself sterilized if she hadn't had a child by age 40. She had to undertake a lot of counselling and psychological assessment first but then she was permitted to undergo the surgery. Pretty interesting that any schmuck can get herself pregnant and pop kids out into the world (as dependents of the State) but choosing to ensure you are child-free requires counselling and permission.
