Monday 2 December 2013

Corrie creator Tony Warren on set move: "Move? What move?"

Photo copyright Ian Wylie
Journalist Ian Wylie was at the new Coronation Street set reveal last week and spoke to Corrie's creator Tony Warren.  There's a lovely piece on Ian's website about the day itself, seeing the new set for the first time and speaking to Tony Warren.

Tony says this about the new set move: “Coronation Street hasn’t moved at all. It’s exactly where it always was. Which is wherever you want it to be inside your own imagination.  It’s still here. Move? What move?”

Read the full interview, with some great pics and a short video of the new set as it was revealed to the press by Executive Producer Kieran Roberts  - it's all here at Life of Wylie.

See also: New Coronation Street set - our full write up and pics

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