Monday 2 December 2013

Chris Gascoyne on his Corrie future

There has been much speculation on Chris Gascoyne's future as Peter Barlow in our beloved Coronation Street. Digital Spy is carrying a story about the actor's future today.  Apparently Chris Gascoyne has been inteviewed about his future at the soap, and he confirms he has signed a contract through to August 2014. It would appear there is no definite decision on the actor's future, although he does suggest he may want to take another break from Corrie.

We quite often hear actors say they want to keep things fresh and try other things. so what do we think about Peter Barlow being rested yet again?

Would you like to see Peter stay on the cobbles for many more years to come? Do you think it is plausible for characters like Peter to take breaks at regular intervals?

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  1. Strong character, and a very strong actor - one of the best on the show at the moment IMO. I'd far rather he took as many breaks as he feels he needs if it means we can continue to enjoy his storylines, rather than stick around and be forced to regurgitate a load of tired old guff, and/or be killed off because he's had enough (or we have). It's perfectly plausible for a character to move away and move back again later, for any number of reasons, and moreover it gives the writers some extra "back story" on which to base new stories on the character's return - or even bring new characters back with them from their travels.

  2. It's a shame and sadly I think Alison King might go with him. I hope I'm wrong.

    Paula Lane, too.

  3. In this day and age, actors should realise which side their bread is buttered on.

    He's not that good an actor that he can pick and choose.

  4. I agree with Digger. As much as I think he's a good actor and character and want to see him on screen, maybe the occasional breaks that he takes are what helps him stay on top.

  5. Not surprised that he wants to try other roles (if he indeed does go) and I'm sure he'll get plenty of offers. Peter is a very well rounded character but some of his vulnerability has gone during Ken's absence and has consequently gone a bit stale. Peter had many layers to his character and the resentment he felt towards his father was well played out. Peter would be blaming his father for all the marital mistakes he's made. Better for the character to bow out for a while and come back with new stories. I'm certain Carla wouldn't stay on the Street if Peter left; I guess she'd sell the factory maybe for another use. I'd love to see CG in a dark drama like Ripper Street.

  6. We often will have a character that is not seen on screen for months bar the occaisional brief appearance in a shop or the pub. That must give them a break. Why does CG have to "leave the show" when they can rest him just as easily by putting the character to the back burner like they do with others?

  7. I don't blame him for wanting a break. He's one of the few actors on the show who has done quite a bit of work elsewhere, so I wouldn't be surprised if he wants a change. I'd rather see him take a break than have them give him a storyline that ends with him leaving forever.

    I really like him in the character of Peter, but I don't want to see him being written into every storyline. In fact, there are quite a few characters on the show that should be taking an extended break.

  8. Nick (Manchester)2 December 2013 at 17:19

    I totally agree with what Digger says but I also agree with Tvor that he could be put on the back burner for a while like they do with other characters who sometimes seem to disappear into the ether then come back. It continues to amaze me how many soaps (sorry continuing drama if we have to be damn politically correct lol) do this when you don't see characters for ages then they're suddenly back without a bye or leave. I think Chris is a great actor and I would also hate to see him leave.

  9. He is great as Peter, and should take breaks so that we continue to have him on screen.He's a bit overused though, which has to be hard on the actor. Corrie has to stop killing off longer term actors who are leaving. They will need those characters down the road. Long live Peter Barlow.

  10. The problem is the golden handcuffs contracts. They give the show the right to "rest" a character for a long time, and yet prevent them getting other work...

    Some actors like variety in their life... if the contracts better reflected that, then they wouldn't keep losing good actors who find themselves doing three lines over two months.

    It's better than it used to be, but it could be a lot better. The culture has to change.

  11. I'd like him to stay. I like his flawed character. Perhaps less smoking though!

  12. Nah..let him go. He just comes back to the same scripts/lines/stories etc. Again with a wedding looking like he's going to the gallows. I'm tired of him.

  13. Okay. Why do people believe Carla will leave too? Alison King is an actress...she is not Carla. She will stay in her job and be involved in other storylines...she is afterall factory owner....this would keep her on our screens even if she has no love life at all.
    No I think Carla will be around a while longer.
    As for Chris (Peter) he has taken a break from the show and returned. I think it is nice. Like the old saying goes how can you miss me if I ain't even gone.
