Friday 1 November 2013

State of the Street - October 2013

Time again for a montly observation/rant about what's happening on the Street during October. I'm refusing to give the Tina/Tracy horror any time at all as it was really stupid and not worth my energy to rant about it. Other topics include the Plattilsley storyine, Roy and Hayley's conumdrum, jubilation that Liz is back behind the bar and a roundup on Sophie and Jenna, Sally and Tim. It's all over here on State of the Street.

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  1. The Peter/Tina and Tracy/Tina storylines are both ridiculous but the terrific Chris Gascoyne will make one of them work. What a loss to Corrie.

  2. Good reading. I agree with everything you said.

  3. I have enjoyed the Tina/Tracy/Rob thing as it has led to the first chats with Peter. I know not everyone enjoys it...but what else would you have? It would be so boring without little foolish things to lighten the mood from time to time.

  4. Spot on, as usual.

    My beef is how many really characters are behaving dreadfully right now. Tracy, Faye, Anna and Grace were always that way, Tina and Rita were made spiteful for the window spat, Nick is snappy and angry due to by brain injury, and even the once lovely Todd will be coming back a changed man. As a society, we're a lot less polite thanks to the anonymity of the internet, but all this snipping is much not fun to watch (although I was quietly cheering for Sally who sussed Grace out right away).

  5. I think you're spot on about Steve's wives/girlfriend. Whatever the ups and downs of their relationship, it was always obvious that Karen and Becky were in love with Steve. I never get the impression that Michelle loves him at all. And I'm not really convinced that he's in love with her either. It just seems to be a relationship of convenience, for lack of more suitable partners at the moment.

  6. Surprised that you like Jenna as I find both the character and actress very dull.
    I actually like Tim as it's a relief to have an unsympathetic male character who's not a psychopath(yet!
    Perhaps he's too realistic a character to find a long term presence on today's Street!
