Saturday 2 November 2013

Corrie weekly update - Groce Grace and Hallowe'en horrors

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It’s Hallowe’en week on Corrie and there’s a little horror in the shape of Faye’s friend Grace. She’s one of those kids who spots the weakness in others and winds them up summat rotten. First she causes a ruckus in Roy’s Rolls when she nicks money from the counter and has Anna blaming Sally blaming Anna for losing the money, while Grace has it all along. She puts it back with a smile and everyone’s grateful to her for spotting it. Then she gets Faye to change the date of her Hallowe’en party and it’s a conversation that Owen overhears, so he now knows how manipulative and mean Grace is and how much she’s pulling Faye’s strings.  At the Hallowe’en party, all hell’s let loose when little monster Grace picks on Simon and winds up Nick, who’s taken Simon to the do.  Nick loses control, lashes out and snaps Amy Barlow’s broomstick in half.  It’s exactly the sort of thing Grace wanted to happen and even Faye starts to wonder if her friend has taken things too far. Back home with mum Gail, Nick tells the old witch to bat out and leave him alone, but she doesn’t. She harps on and harps on in the way that Gail does, until Leanne returns and tells Nick she thinks she still loves him and wants to try again.  She hugs him on the soft furnishings while giving one of those “oh eck, what am I doing?’ over the shoulder looks to camera that Corrie does so well.

Faye’s dad Tim’s at Anna’s Hallowe’en party and was supposed to have picked up Faye’s costume but of course he forgot and it’s left to Anna to save the day for Faye, once again. Sally still can’t see through Tim though, and gives him a set of house keys for him to come and go as he please.

Over at Underworld, Peter announces an Employee of the Month competition for the most productive knicker-stitcher. Beth’s out to win it and ropes in Sinead to do some secret stitching after hours and at home. Sinead’s not best pleased to be cheating for her aunty Beth, but agrees anyway.

In Barlow’s Buys, Rob lies to Tina and tells her if she apologises to Tracy for smashing the window then he’ll pay the cost of having it repaired, but she mustn’t tell Tracy about their secret deal. She does, of course. Well, you would, wouldn’t you? Just to get back at Tracy.  Tina ends up both apologising and paying and Tracy sulks to Deirdre about Rob going behind her back. “I think I love him, mam,” she moans in the front room just as there’s a knock at the door and a bunch of cheap flowers from Dev’s shop walks in with an apology and Rob behind them.

And finally this week, Eileen’s not happy. She’s broke and fed up and so Liz drags her along to the Rovers with Deirdre for a  girls’ night out. Or in. Whichever you prefer. The three of them get tipsy and moan about missing men. Deirdre pulls Sean to her side and gives him a cuddle. “You’re barking up the wrong tree, there,” notes Liz. “It worked for Maria with Marcus!” laughs Deirdre.  “Maria didn’t bark, she howled!” replies Eileen, in a very funny scene that ended with the three of them singing “Sisters are doing it for themselves” at the Rovers bar. Cracking stuff.  And the evening ends with a smile on Eileen's face when she gets a text message from Todd saying he's coming for a visit.

And that's just about that for this week. Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at

This week's writers were Ellen Taylor, Peter Whalley, Jonathan Harvey and Jan McVerry.   Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at

Glenda Young

Blogging away merrily at

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  1. Frosty the Snowman2 November 2013 at 11:55

    What in heaven's name was Nick doing at that party? Madam Hatchetface Leanne ordered it. He is just out of hospital having had brain surgery and he has to go to a kids Halloween party full of noise and screaming? WTF???? Why couldnt one of the Pointless Pair Gloria or St Ella take him instead of pointlessly boozing in the Bistro? Did laugh when he broke Amys broomstick tho!

  2. Grace is deliciously nasty. I don't suppose she'll be in it for long, but I do think the young actress that plays her is doing a very good job of making us hate her. Mind you, it would work better if she was leading a nice child astray, rather than Faye, who is half way to the dark side already.

  3. Cringeworthy the three drunken witches - behaving idiotically in the Rovers bar yesterday - awful Eileen who suddenly had a new short hair do within half an hour of her standing there moaning to Lloyd, Dierdre acting like a fool, and Liz who should know better if she is landlady. Imagine witnessing that scary spectacle if you went out for a quiet pint.

  4. I have to agree with Percy. I can't stand drunks' but I realllllly can't stand drunken women! Sorry - NO class, NO dignity, NO self-respect.

    ~JB in Canada

  5. I loved the three women having fun in the bar!!! And Eileen's hair had been curled up so it would look shorter but i liked it.

  6. morning, thank you again for the updates. my question is, I thought that the Bistro was trying to make money..but there's new staff working while the "family" sit around and chug down whine/wine! WTF do any of those Blonde Bimbos do?! XooX

  7. I also loved Liz, Eileen and Deirdre in the bar! It felt like old-school Corrie humour.

  8. Liz said it..they don't need a man. Maybe now Eileen will shut up about her love life. She had a fine upstanding bloke and tossed him to the curb because she didn't like what he did for a living. Lame or what. Who'd want to be with that old misery guts anyway?
    I thought Stella and crew sitting around gossiping was alright - not sure why Tina was there though. I guess they'll just be shoving her in scenes here and there until she has her big bang with Peter.
