Wednesday 18 September 2013

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Wednesday 18 September

Roy and Hayley both struggle to sleep. Hayley reveals she's had a nightmare in which she was Harold again. She opens up to Roy and reveals she has no regrets about becoming Hayley, although she does have one huge regret: not making amends with her son Christian. Remembering their last encounter, how will Roy react to Hayley's revelation that she intends to contact Christian?

Eva thanks Jason for his kindness to Stella and sees him in a new light. Meanwhile, drawing strength from Dev's determination to carry on, Stella decides it's time to get back behind the bar and face the world.

Tim's enjoying the new easy-going Sally and won't listen to Jason's warnings about her true highly-strung nature. But when he mentions a weekend away, Sally goes into over-drive, suggesting a trip to Paris, and a pained Tim is left to recall Jason's words!

Fiz breaks the news to Chesney that she's moving into No.9 with Tyrone.

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