Friday 23 August 2013

Fab Photo Friday - August 23rd 2013

It's Friday again so it's time for this week's fab Coronation Street photo. Looks like someone has travelled back in time to tell the residents the good news. Though I do think Minnie could raise a bit more of a smile.

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  1. Peter @peterprandradio on Twitter23 August 2013 at 08:43

    So, this is between 1974, when Eddie Yeats joined, and 1977, when Ray Langton left. Interesting Deirdrie and Langton aren't standing together. Maybe, their marriage was already sailing down Mancunian Way towards Amsterdam! Plus, No, Len Fairclough in this shot.

  2. Peter @peterprandradio on Twitter23 August 2013 at 08:46

    Reckon this is between 1974 and 1976, as that was the period Eddie Yeats and Minnie Caldwell were both in Corrie together.

  3. Who is the lady between Hilda and Ena?? Is it Granny Hopkins?

  4. It's clearly Christmas and Billy Walker is in shades. How showbiz!- Micky

  5. Is that Blanche in the back behind Mavis?

  6. That's definitely Blanche at the back. I'm pretty sure that IS Granny Hopkins behind Ena. And I think that must be Billy Walker on the right. Hard to tell with the glasses on, but it looks like his haircut. Ken Barlow is not in the photo either. The photographer must have just gathered up whoever happened to be filming that day.

  7. Oh my, wasn't the cast wonderful back then! Seeing them all brought it home to me again
