Thursday 6 June 2013

Why I'm looking forward to Todd Grimshaw's return

Personally, I'm really pleased that Stuart Blackburn is bringing Bruno Langley back as Todd Grimshaw. I always really liked the character, enjoyed his interactions with Eileen and Jason and thought his major "coming out" storyline back in the day was well played out.

Todd's return to Weatherfield later this year does pose some very interesting questions. While he was been away for quite some time, there are still loads of regular characters in Coronation Street that would remember him from his original stint. It will be lovely to see the Grimshaw family reunited on screen again. However, where will all this leave Sean? Never a favourite character of mine, will Todd's return finally push him out of the Grimshaws and out of Corrie? Or will Todd prove to be Sean's new love interest? (I sincerely hope he doesn't!)

There was also a suggestion that Todd could feature in the ongoing storyline between Marcus and Maria. I see Todd and Marcus as a much more interesting pairing - two generally decent, nice characters in a relationship would be a rarity and very refreshing! I'm sure Jason and Eileen would have some things to say about Todd being with Marcus, not to mention what this development would do to cringey Sean.

Going back even further into the Corrie mists of time, who can forget Todd's awkward lunge at Nick Tilsley while he was dating Nick's sister Sarah-Lou? I wonder whether Corrie will bring that storyline back in any way?

I'm sure Gail's face will be puckering as soon as she gets a whiff of young Todd being back in town. We can only hope his reappearance leads to a rematch of Gail and Eileen's clash on the cobbles. Surely one of Coronation Street's finest moments in recent times.

I wonder how Nick and Todd will interact given what has gone on before? I'm sure it will be awkward at first given Nick has adopted a new face since Todd last went in for a snog.

Whatever happens, I'm sure it will be an interesting time on the cobbles!

What would you like to see happen once Todd is reunited with the rest of the Grimshaws?

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  1. I really like the idea of Marcus and Todd together.

    I'm not sure Todd would find Nick's new face as snogable as the old one.

  2. I hope marcus adn maria stay together as with her being away on skating show there ahs been no story since Christmas ..more to do with this storyline .
    Tood adn Mrcus i dont think so .

  3. Who on the show currently is Todd's age?

  4. He was in the same grade as Sarah, so he'd be a few years older than David and Ryan, but a little younger than Jason, Maria, Fiz and Ty. Late 20s unless they do a soapy age revision.

  5. Anthony Cotton tweeted a couple of days ago that he had signed a new contract until August 2014, which means he won't be going anytime soon

  6. I am totally with you in regards to the Marcus/Todd pairing. I can see them having chemistry together. Sure hope Sean stays away though (which is admittedly unlikely if AC has signed a new contract)

  7. So why isn't Sean allowed to be happy and in love with Todd all these nasty and negative people no wonder the world is screwed up

  8. If there's heartbreak for a character, it must be someone who's in a relationship now. Who would be upset by Sean getting it together with Todd? Got to be Marcus. I'd be surprised if it was Leanne.

  9. Somehow I can't see Todd fancying the "new Nick" the former was much better looking.

  10. Todd was born in 1985 according to the Corrie wiki, making him 28 this year. Marcus born 1977, is 36 and SEan in 1976 is 37. Not such an age gap between Todd and the other two. Maria is 2 years older than Todd.

  11. It would be nice if Todd came home with a steady boyfriend. It doesn't have to be Jules, or whatever his name was. It would just seem like lazy writing to have Todd come back and be the guy that comes between Marcus and Maria. Considering Jason's history with Maria, I'd like to think Todd would have enough sense to stay away from the whole situation. But it is a soap, so any excuse for bad behavior will probably be pursued. I'd like to see a scene where Nick says to Todd "remember that time you tried to snog me" and just laugh it off. If there are still uncomfortable glances between them 10 years later, that would just be silly.

  12. I think Marcus is going to take one look at the lovely Todd and realize that he's just fooling in a fantasy family land with Maria and will come to his senses. Alas, poor Maria will have lost at love once again.

  13. I would love to see Eileen and Gail rumbling in the street again so maybe Todd's return could do something for that! Maybe Todd will try and get a job at the Bistro. But Marcus and Todd makes the most sense, anything else seems like it would require a whole lot of writing to get things to change.

  14. nz Coro Junkie8 June 2013 at 02:05

    Please can they let him practise law.
