Thursday 6 June 2013

How do you think Karl will get found out?

I'm intrigued. I can't for the life of me work out how Karl will come unstuck and be found guilty of setting the Rovers Return on fire and killing Sunita.  I've seen previews for the next couple of weeks which give nothing away on this storyline and I honestly don't know how it's all going to end.

But end it surely must beacuse we know John Michie as Karl Munroe is leaving Coronation Street, and it's Soap Rule No. 176 (a) that all killers are found guilty, sooner or later.

So, how do you think the killer Karl storyline will unfold?  And does Craig Tinker know more than he's letting on?  He was very shifty in the Kabin last night when Dev and Karl were talking about proving Sunita's innocence.

Craig was so unsettled by the conversation that he told his mum Beth he didn't want any sweets and he'd have an apple later. An apple! I know!  The boy's off his sweets!

It's going to be an interesting end to a decent storyline and I'm looking forward to seeing how it'll unfold. One of our followers on twitter said it would be good if Karl confessed all during his wedding to Stella.

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  1. Frosty the Snowman6 June 2013 at 08:10

    Whatever happens - and Frosty thinks there will be a few twists and turns along the way - I am very sad that a could have been a great character like Karl Monro played by a top notch actor is to be written out and the two harpies that are unpopular with everyone have their contracts extended?! What are they thinking at Granda - really?? Shakes head.

  2. I think the CCTV at the hospital will come into play

  3. The inventory of Sunita's things in the hospital is shown to Dev and there are no keys on there. This is one of the events that Inspector Alahan pieces together.

  4. I noticed that about Craig as well and I think that's going to be part of it.

  5. I thought maybe Craig was being bullied at school about his weight or he's got his eye on a girl and feels embarrassed about his size. It didn't cross my mind that he might know something about the fire, interesting.

    1. I know how he gets found out

  6. Of course, Tracy Barlow remains, bewilderingly, the sole known exception to soap rule 176 (a). Nobody knows why...

  7. Noooo, I don't want Karl to confess, I want him to be found out, good & proper!

  8. Ever since the fire we've seen Karl racked with guilt. He already confessed to Stella at Sunita's funeral, surely another confusion is on the cards.

  9. I think it Craig saw something. It would be great to see his character more. Just hope Karl doesn't hold him hostage at the Factry. Confession - Yawn!

  10. As I commented in another article, I too saw Craig's agitation when they were discussing Sunita and the fire in the Kabin and before that in a previous episode at the bus-stop when he didn't seem himself (can't remember now if Karl passed by or if he overheard another conversation about the fire). Brilliant twist if Craig indeed did see Karl going into the Rover's the night of the fire, just before Sunita. Wondering if Jason and Leanne will figure in uncovering Karl's guilt as they both are very suspicious of him. Looking forward to this storyline.

  11. Even if Karl confesses to Stale-la, she is so dense that she will brush it off, "O Karl, you mustn't blame yourself. You save me life." Or some such nonsense. The Corrie formula is to have the murderer attempt to cover his tracks with another murder. He will be caught trying do away either Dev or Leanne or Jason.

  12. Rewatched last night's Craig bits and yeah, there's a huge clue. He's a scared kid who couldn't get away fast enough. He saw or knows something (must be why he's been hiding for the past 2 months). Wonder how that's going to be revealed because Craig has so little contact with anyone else. Will he befriend Aadi? Start hanging around Dev's store? Tell all to Kirk?

    There's so many characters who have a stake in the truth. Never thought I'd say it, but Go Dev! Just hate to see one truly fine actor depart, leaving us with his useless sidekicks.

  13. It will be appalling if the CCTV and inventory are part of the story. I like both ideas but surely the police would have checked both these. Definitely Craig is involved somehow. Perhaps he was out trying to catch another rat against his mother's express wishes!

  14. I think Karl is going to crack and try to top himself and take Stella with him..only she'll be saved..probably by Dev whilst Krazy Karl is finally out of the picture. I can't wait!!!

  15. When is Karl's contract up?

  16. It would be good if Craig was doing something he wasn't supposed to be that night so he's not telling he saw Karl there so he doesn't get in trouble. I wonder what would make him finally tell though.

  17. Well there are so many possibilities! Indeed Craig saw something.....but what, and how will it be revealed. Remember he had a fascination with Deirdre...maybe he was outside watching her through her window when he saw Karl enter the Rovers followed by Sunita! lol

  18. Shan, I thought the same thing. When Craig was in the Kabin listening to the grown-ups talking, he got anxious about what Norris was saying, which had to do with getting 10 years in jail for what used to be capital crimes. That was before anyone mentioned the fire. I think Craig definitely feels he did something wrong, which is also maybe why he froze when Roy chewed him out last week for dropping a wrapper on the sidewalk.

    1. I know how Karl gets discovered!

  19. On the night of the fire paul smelt smoke on karl. I reckon something along the lines of Craig, the hospital inventory or cctv will be discovered. This will probably trigger Paul into remembering!

  20. In good ol' corrie tradition I reckon Karl will pack Stella in the car and drive it in to the Canal. How else could this storyline end?

  21. In the canal - oh don't tease! Wouldn't that be great though! Karl, Stella, Audrey, Eva, all of the Plats, the Anna/Owen Family and Dev - SPLASH!! Move on! I'm rubbing my Uriah Heep-like in happy anticipation!

  22. When Karl returned to the Bistro, Paul asked him if he wanted another beer. Karl said that he didn't need one because 'I've not finished this one, mate'. Paul looked puzzled because Karl's beer was lasting a very long time!

  23. Karl is a sociopath and isn't really very clever most of the time anyway so he'll tip his hand soon enough - maybe this story line has become kind of a bore since it hasn't moved in a few weeks.
    BTW, how many times has the Rover's burned down?

  24. I'm bored with Coronation
    Street. I know it has been running for 50 years but the story lines are so slow it is bound to last at least for another 100. It seems to me the writers are running out of imagination - if the characters are not murderers, thieves or multi activity criminals like Platt or victims waiting to be murdered, then Coronation Street is not the place for them to live
