Monday 3 June 2013

Where is Corrie's Mandy?

Just where has Mandy gone? A bit like Emily Bishop, and Audrey before her, another Corrie woman appears to have disappeared into the Weatherfield ether. There has been a somewhat lukewarm reaction to Lloyd's new partner so I'm also wondering if anybody actually cares?

It does seem rather odd that Mandy hasn't featured at all during the reopening of the Rovers episodes, especially given how she was touted as the new Betty. Surely the Rovers cook would have been involved as the pub opened up again post-fire?

There have been comments on this blog that Mandy doesn't really fit in, or that she isn't right for Lloyd. All I can say is that we need to actually see her on screen more often to decide on that! I think it would be great to see her interact more with other female characters in the Street - Gail, Sally or Eileen maybe?

So have you missed Mandy? Where do you think she's been hiding?

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  1. Sssssssh! If we keep quiet, they may forget she exists.

  2. I don't think much of her character, and she and Lloyd have zero chemistry. But I'm really curious as to why she has simply disappeared without any explanation. Did the actress have other commitments perhaps? Will we ever see her again?

  3. Maybe Blackburn didn't think she was needed and just ignored that she was part of the cast preferring to use the money bring back a character that is long past her sell by date.

  4. I'm not too fussed about her, but I liked her behind the bar (although I thought she was supposed to be the chef).

    It's her daughter I want rid of. People say Llyold and Mandy have no chemistry, what about Sawwphie and Jenna? They are so mismatched!

  5. I saw Pamela Nomvete in a movie called Sometimes In April, about the Rwanda genocide. She was bloody fantastic in it. It's such a shame that her character's been relegated to, presumably, sitting at home, boil washing Lloyd's grundies now the storylines about Jenna being his daughter and then coming out as a lesbian are over.

    If the makers of the Street weren't so focused on giving us shock story after shock story all the time, characters like Mandy would get more of a break

  6. It was odd that she as the cook wasnt even at the re-opening of the Rovers or nothing has even been said about her. Lloyd and Jenna are there, its like she never existed. I expect she will pop up all of a sudden out the blue with no explanation.

  7. I haven't missed Mandy and didn't think she and Lloyd were a good match. Still, you'd think someone would mention her in passing. It's like she never happened.

  8. What Humpty said.

    Romantic scenes between her and Lloyd just looked .... wrong. Nothing against the actress. She was just horribly miscast. Wonder how they'll explain her when Lloyd gets a new love interest?

  9. Mandy is busy babysitting Amy Barlow, Hope Stapes and Ruby Dobbs. In her spare time she hangs out with Michelle Connor's switched-at-birth son.

  10. Probably ran out of head scarves to wear. Maybe could have worked if she hadn't been cast as Lloyd's long lost love - zero chemistry there.

  11. I forgot about Mandy! I was getting to like her and it was nice that Lloyd had a 'family' of his own. But where is Mandy! Her last storyline was the Tor-toys thing.
    I am irritated that we only see Mary once in a blue moon. I would rather see more of her with Dev than seeing Dev with Stella and Carl so much! Ewwww.

  12. I like Mandy and i like her with Lloyd. I miss her and the two of them together. I hope with the pub open, we're going to see more of her again. Given that there will be an upcoming racism story, perhaps she will be back by then.

  13. I don't mind the character but I don't like her with Lloyd. It did annoy me that she wasn't at the Rover's re-opening, because everyone who worked there should be there, even if it's just to drink. It's as if the writers aren't paying attention to their own show...was even Sean even there?

  14. Frosty the Snowman4 June 2013 at 06:14

    Frosty did an award a couple of weeks ago asking had Mandy been abducted by aliens Who is doing the cooking in the Rovers now?

  15. Dilly Daydream4 June 2013 at 07:20

    That would be Sean, Frosty.

    Can't say I've missed her, she's a bit over the top for me.


  16. I quite like Mandy, or I do from what little I've seen of her. She is a better match for Lloyd than his last dreadful girlfriend, but I guess that's not really saying much.

    I really hope they can give her something interesting to do.

  17. I googled the actress and if it's the same Pamela Nomvete, Corrie has done her a terrible disservice. She obviously is a very respected professional and should have been given better story lines. The photos on the internet don't look anything like her now, but they state she's in Coronation Street. I stress *if* it's the same lady, she has recently directed a play and written a book as below:
