Tuesday 11 June 2013

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, June 17-21

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Monday 17 to Friday 21 June

David finds out truth about Kylie and Nick, considers suicide, decides on revenge; Ryan’s left holding Joseph; Rita puts her life savings up to back Tina’s legal case for baby; Emily reappears and there’s strange goings-on at Roy’s Rolls.

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. Emily's back! yeah!

  2. Oh dear. I do wish they would come up with another way for Devilish David to react to bad news than going on a rampage and smashing something up. I think Nick is probably still paying for the repairs to his car from the last time.

  3. WHAT??? Rita is putting up her life savings for Tina to fight for the baby that isn't hers? What a load of crap. Bad writing AGAIN. The real Rita would not do that. She would talk sense into her...tell her the baby does not carry her DNA, she's too young with no money and she's screwing over people who trusted her. Wow.

  4. Jump David, jump! Oh wait, you've tried killing yourself before and it didn't work. Okay, smash things up, ya! Oh wait, you've also done that... to death. At what point does someone as disturbed and prone to violence (try to kill your mother much?) get locked up in the loonie bin either by the State or at the request of his family? For everyone's safety!

  5. Frosty the Snowman12 June 2013 at 06:42

    Yep Frosty said jump as well - all this condoning violence by people constantly smashing things up - its criminal damage and carries a jail sentence - is not very responsible and rather lazy writing and any sympathy we may have for David will quick evaporate. Not looking to the self pity pandered to by a blinking and whispering Gail, just put us out of our misery you tool - JUMP!

  6. Zagg, I really don't think Rita would make the DNA argument. She's a woman who's never had a child of her own but who has considered Jenni Bradley, Sharon Gaskill and now Tina as he own daughter. She seems well on the way to similarly maternal relationship with Tommy, the grandson of dear old friends. She sees motherhood as somethng far more subtle and wide-reaching than genetics. Sure, she's lay on the line the seriousness of what Tina is undertaking - she already has - but ultimately he'll support her as it's clearly not somethin she is doing lightly. I'm still not convinced that baby IS Izzy & Gary's anyway. It doesn't look very ginger to me! ;)

  7. I agree with Zagg. I think she would try to give Tina good advice which is exactly the advice Zagg talked about. Not just the genetics but the practical, grown up advice about going through with what you agreed to. People on the street turned against Tina for the lies that Kirsty told, but this time, I think her trying to keep a baby that isn't hers may be a better reason for them to turn against her.

  8. Look look look at David - smash smash smash. Look look look back at David - smash smash smash. Look look look back at Becky - smash smash smash. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.............

  9. JUMP DAVID - JUMP - TAKE THE WINDASSES WITH YE AND TRACY-LUV, ROB, TIM, FAYE..... Wooosh - I wish they were a bunch of lemmings!

  10. Izzy can have her own baby but she is spoilt. Baby's should not be bought cos someone is not prepared to have another pregnancy. She is a very very selfish lady, who was quite happy to stop Gary seeing the baby who could have died at anytime. Izzy gets what Izzy wants cos daddy pays for it.

    Tina is following her maternal instincts, like nature intended. All the scientific advances will never beat nature. She is not being nasty and you can see her dilema in all her actions, unlike the Windass/Armstrong who care only for themselves.
    UK law on this is clear and came after surrogacy and embryo implantation etc. were available. Far more babies are born through egg and sperm donation than surrogacy.Maybe in USA were everything has a price is commercial surrogacy acceptable, or when individuals exploit Indian ladies in to carrying their babies for them. Thank god UK law on this one sides with the exploited and not the exploiter.

  11. Tina has plenty of misgivings, but her maternal instincts are kicking in as nature intended for the survial of the species. Izzy is a spoilt brat whose daddy has bought her everything, now even a baby cos she is not prepared to embark on another pregnancy despite getting the all clear to from everyone in the medical professional. Tina is not an oven or an incubator she is a woman who has full control over her body. UK law, which was written based on surrogacy and egg donation etc. clearly states the mother is the birth mother. This is not USA were anything including babies can be sold. Keep your baby Tina dont be bullied into parting with the most precious part of you.

  12. I watch corrie every week but the writing sometimes is schizophrenic. I mean, it just seems like the lack of continuity is mind boggling. For example, Tina has a baby, Gail is her step mum but they barely salute each other in the street. One minute, Rita tells Tina she is doing the worst thing in the world by stealing a baby, the she's paying for it. When Tyrone was accused of hitting someone everyone turns there back despite knowing him for years. Stella telling Anna and Owen that she should lay off Tina, I mean one on????? It's like everyone gangs up on them but Tina actually is in the wrong whatever the law says. The writing needs to be improved big time, I could tell you what will happen as its so predictable. No proper twists, no character forming moments. It's just written quickly and the characters are starting to become one dimensional. Pity cos corrie always had good writers. The story lines are good but the problem is there is never character development.

  13. I agree with Ashy 100%. The writers get a good plausible storyline going, and then they let it fizzle out. Every storyline in the past 6 months, could have been really really good. But the writers take the lazy way out, and wrap it up with a "ho hum yawn" ending. The Kirsty storyline could have rocked the show, they certainly had the talent to work with..but no...when Karl gets found out, it will be just another lack lustre ending. Would really like to see a whole lot more of Eva, and whole lot less of Gail.

  14. Doesn't anyone remember that Tina and Tommy slept together the night before the surrogacy procedure was performed? Hmmmm!
