Monday 10 June 2013

Coronation Street double episode review, Monday Jun 10 2013

Although some viewers have expressed dismay and a sense of tedium concerning the Tina-Tommy-Izzy-Gary storyline, there was no doubting the brilliance of Michelle Keegan's performance as Tina tonight, as she held little Jake for the first time.

The tenderness she succeeded in conveying in her expression, tears and especially the kiss that she planted on the baby's forehead, were utterly convincing and deeply moving. It served as a reminder of another great performer, Raquel, played by Sarah Lancashire, who for some time, after having left The Street was said to be the most highly paid actress on television. It's possible that the extremely talented Michelle will follow suit and The Street, sadly, will be the weaker for it. That said, no one character is bigger than The Street. Bet Lynch, Reg Holdsworth, Curly and Raquel, The Ogdens, The Duckworths, Ena, Martha and Minnie, Elsie... well you get the point.

So, back to tonight and a closer look at Eileen. Still this story doesn't quite convince. She's irritable, not sleeping well and as a result, as Lloyd so tactfully points out, she 'looks like a blood donor who can't say no.' Later, and in a rather contrived moment, Sean rushes in telling Jason that there is a 'massive' fire nearby. Of course Eileen overhears this and Sean attempts to downplay his report. Paul arrives home very soon after and he senses Eileen's relief. Depressingly, he says that they must do something to sort this out, which of course implies that this story will continue... not too long please.

Audrey was great tonight. The expression of disbelief was highly entertaining when she overheard Rob telling Tracey that they would have to graft. As Audrey says, 'Hard work is hardly your forte.' Rob defends Tracey saying that she is,'bright, talented and ambitious,' to which Audrey, ladling out the sarcasm, asks if that is the reason Carla sacked her.

Later, we see Tracey kitted out with phone and headphones, beginning her 'grafting' which is selling bathrooms. Of course, somebody has to do it and snobbery over people's day jobs can be wildly irritating, but because Tracy is so unbearable and prone to pretension we see that even her own mother is cackling outside the door as Tracey fails to charm her potential buyer.

Tina's mind is made up -she is going to keep the baby. The only hurdle here is informing Gary and Izzie. 'I've decided to keep him,' says Tina. A row ensues causing the premature babies nurse to chide them and tell them to row elsewhere. Quite rightly she tells then that her 'priority is these babies.'

Of course, Rita will be involved as Tina's moral guide and surrogate grandmother. Anna, understandably upset at Tina's decision, tells Rita that if Tina goes through with this decision, she will not be responsible for her actions. Anna also calls Tina a 'nasty little cow.' Tina is the legal mother but on moral grounds surely little Jake belongs to Izzy and Gary.

Maria is likened to a hamster on a wheel by Audrey, 'squeak, squeak, squeak.' What she means of course is that Maria is wittering on, going over the same ground when, according to Audrey, there are no real problems between Maria and Marcus. So often in films and television, a man produces a box and the viewer believes it's an engagement ring but it turns out to be a different piece of jewellery - and so again tonight.

Dev continues single-minded and determined to clear Sunita's name. I suppose we know he will succeed but Dev's intensity is impressive as is Karl's continuous expression and body language in expressing his anxiety whenever Dev appears. Karl's visit to Dev, informing Dev that people are regarding Dev as 'unhinged' must make Dev smell a rat and the words that he, Karl and others are worried about him have a hollow ring. How much longer can you remain free, Karl?          

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  1. Loving Dev! John Mitchie is a great actor....I am going to miss him - but it is time for Karl to pack his bags! lol

  2. Loved the interactions between Audrey and Tracy! And I'm not normally a fan of Dev's but the acting is great.

  3. How long before they get around to bringing up the idea of DNA testing to determine if Jake really is Izzy & Gary's baby? There was doubt in the beginning of the pregnancy, or are we all supposed to have forgotten that?
    Peter could make a fortune in the bookie's shop taking bets on the longevity of the relationships of Katy & Ryan, Chesney & Sinead, Gary & Izzy, Tina & Tommy, Steve & Michelle, Lloyd & Mandy, Sophie & Jenna, Nick & Leanne, David & Kylie, Marcus & Maria, Eileen & Paul, Stella & Karl, Rob & Tracy, and even himself & Carla. It would take an earthquake in Weatherfield to equal the shaky ground on that street.

  4. Great couple of episodes (and I haven't said that in a few years!). Audrey and Deidre were top notch and it's interactions with these characters that Corrie has been missing for so long. Simple scenes with great banter not huge explosions and murders. Long may this kind of Corrie continue!

  5. Have to agree with Beth, welcome home corrie. I've been drifting away of late but the last few weeks have grabbed my attention again, I'm even shutting off my I pad.

  6. Frosty the Snowman11 June 2013 at 08:01

    Great to see Audreh back, laughed at the squeak squeak squeak comment which unfortunately we have to listen to for another year. Maria is such a drip. Although I have never particularly liked the character of shrewish Tina, Michelle surpassed herself yesterday - the expression in those brown eyes - I am sure she is destined for bigger and better things. As for the moaning misery mountain that is Eileen - this is really dragged out and tiresome now.

  7. Audrey and Deirdre were both magnificent last night: "squeak squeak squeak" and "are you all right Tracey, you look a little flushed" had me giggling.

    Tomina vs Grizzy is really trying my patience. Thank God Rita's got involved so we can see some class acting at least. Michelle Keegan is OK, but limited IMO. Sadly, this story is going to drag on for ages yet so we're going to see a lot more of Izzy's crumpled face and Gary's trade mark "looking in the opposite direction" acting which indicates that he's really upset or angry or embarrassed or (insert emotion here).

    Jimi Harkishin has been absolutely superb as Dev in the past few months if you ask me. Usually, I find him a little hammy, but he was excellent at portraying grief over Sunita and his desperate, seemingly hopeless determination to get to the truth now is both incredibly moving and a little scary at the same time - brilliant. And I've always rated John Michie as an actor. Loved him in Taggart.

  8. Dare I even hope that Corrie has turned a corner? Last night's espiodes were great. Esp loved Tracy trying to cold call in Amy's bedroom with Deidre/Peter and Carla listening at the door...funny stuff.
    Who needs Ken? Deidre is fine on her own.

  9. I can't help but think that Audreh's comments to Tracy were originally meant for Ken. He's been known to have a go at her before now, but I don't really see why Audreh should suddenly be so bitchy towards her.

  10. Does anyone know what the true legal situation is concerning a surrogate mother keeping the baby? Have Corrie got it right or not?

  11. UGH Tina is horrible now!!!!!!!!!

  12. John McE - they actually do have it right. Everything they've said is true, the surrogate is the parent in the eyes of the law until they sign the papers which can't be done until after the baby is born. So Tina keeping the baby is legal.

    I don't get how her heart can't bleed for Gary and Izzy. As much as I can't stand seeing Izzy blubbering and last night's "I thought you were my friend" really got on my nerves, I don't get it. I'm glad someone (I think Rita) pointed out that Izzy would have carried the baby if she could.

  13. Rita was right when she said she'd attributed Tina's behaviour to hormones. Mother Nature is very clever. Tina's body would be full of oxytocin, which, among other things, helps the uterus contract while also making a mother bond with her baby and produce milk, all of which Tina has been experiencing. It would have helped if someone had pointed this out to everyone, including Tina, preferably in advance. This storyline sure hasn't been an advertisement for surrogacy.

  14. I think the thing that made Tina come to this decision was how Izzy reacted to Gary's drunken pass. Nothing happened yet this woman became a screaming harpie right next to her premature son's incubator!
    Izzy is so selfish and unforgiving. I think that Tina is right in a way. I also like that the writer's have made her more vulnerable in her love for this little boy.
    And remember Izzy had no qualms about keeping Gary away from his it is funny how this has turned full cirle on her!

  15. Have yet to see this episode, so am just going by the write-up. How many 'life-savings accounts' does Rita have? Didn't she use her 'life-savings' to give money to Tina (given to Tommy because Tina wouldn't take it) to pay back Tyrone's loan to them so Terry Duckworth could pay back the loan sharks or am I completely off the rails here..?

  16. As far as I can recall Tina used her first surrogacy payment from Owen to pay Tyrone back. Rita offered her money so she didn't have to go through with the surrogacy but she ultimately decided to help out Izzy and Gary instead

  17. Rita has offered Tina loads of dosh time and again to bail out idiot-boy but nooo...let's have a kid instead. Rita also has no problem putting poor Dennis in his place if he wants a few extra quid to buy her a gift..she gets right huffy about it. Maybe Dennis can set her straight one day..I'd like to see that..him giving her grief for once...she is too bizzare.

  18. John McE, have you forgotten what Tracy did to Audrey's daughter, Gail, in prison? Audrey have every reason to be bitchy towards Tracy.
