Sunday 9 June 2013

Corrie thief makes off with make-up

There's an odd little story in today's Sun that make-up worth hundreds of pounds was stolen from the Coronation Street set.

The top-of-the-range cosmetics were pinched from the dressing room area. 

Our old friend Mr Curry Sauce told the Sun: “A couple of weeks ago some of the cosmetics girls noticed a really expensive piece of eye make-up had gone missing. They didn’t report it because there was a chance they had mislaid it. Senior figures on the show have been trying to do some detective work. Quite a lot of people have access to the dressing room area, including the actors and actresses, so there are a lot of potential suspects. Three pieces of eye make-up may not sound like much, but Corrie only uses the best so it amounts to several hundred pounds worth.”

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  1. make-up worth hundreds of pounds was stolen from the Coronation Street set

    Someone lifted Carla Connor's handbag

  2. Mmmm, wasn't Sally wearing a new smokey eye shadow for her her blind date ?!!!!

  3. They wear make up on Corrie? On HD we can see warts, moles, zits, wrinkles, bags, wig-lines. Some of them look so unclean you can almost smell them.

  4. Probably a disgruntled member of the cast, hoping to top up their salary re-selling it on the market.

    Or, Corrie promoting how posh they are planting a story about something high-end being stolen from their set.

  5. What? A bit of slap costs several hundred pounds? Someone's being badly conned.

  6. If it was say a full Mac palette that would amount to hundreds, yes.

  7. Has anyone seen how much slap Stella wears? It's like she's put it on with a trowel. Is there no one in the make-up room who can advise her that its too much and its too shiny?
