Saturday 27 April 2013

Coronation Street goodies up for sale on eBay

Amonst all the fake-autograph cast cards, old DVDs and unwanted Corrie books on eBay, every now and then there's a little gem that someone's selling off.

The ebay gem this week is this poster advertising Rita Littlewood singing at The Capricorn Club.  I don't know - and it doesn't say - if it's a prop from the show back there or something new that someone's made.  Whatever it is, it's fun and I like it.
Bid for it here.

Post-blog note: I should have known better because I've got the Treasures Corrie book - it's been taken from there. So... not a true gem, but still, nice.

Watch Rita singing Hey Big Spender in The Capricorn Club from 1872 via the wonders of YouTube here.

We no longer have The Capricorn Club on Coronation Street, of course. Neither do we see any more The Clock, Delphine's,  The Weatherfield Arms or The Flying Horse. Crikey, we don't even see Freshco any more Shame, eh?

Also up for sale on eBay are these Corrie cast cast-offs with the ITV certificate of authenticity:

Leanne Barlow's top.
Becky McDonald's cardigan

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  1. I do believe this is from the Coronation Street Treasures books that came out a few years ago.

  2. Rita sang in 1872? She looks awfully well for her age.

  3. It's from coronation street treasures. I've got one at home! :-)
