Saturday 27 April 2013

Corrie's Julie Hesmondhalgh on All Star Mr & Mrs

This week sees the first show of the new series of All Star Mr and Mrs and Coronation Street actress Julie Hesmondhalgh (Hayley Cropper) and her husband Ian Kershaw, will compete for big cash prizes for a charity of their choice.

Corrie's Jennie McAlpine (Fiz Stape) will be appearing on a later edition of the show too.

Every episode, the audience gets an insight into the lives of three celebrity couples as they battle it out to win the jackpot for their charity.  In the first two rounds the three couples answer questions and we get to see how much they really know about each other.


The victorious couple will then go on to play for the charity jackpot, whilst the other two couples take home £5,000 each for their charity, and a coveted carriage clock for their mantelpiece!

The show starts on ITV1 at 8pm on Wednesday 1 May.   

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1 comment:

  1. Sally Dynevor will also be appearing this sries.
