Sunday 10 March 2013

Vote for Corrie's best mum: The Results!

The moment has come. You have been voting all week in my poll to find Coronation Street's best mother. It seems fitting to reveal the final results today, Mothering Sunday in the UK. 

First of all, a massive big smiley thank you to everyone who voted and commented on this, my first poll on the Coronation Street Blog. When I came up with the idea I was initially worried nobody would vote! So thanks to the 493 people who did! 

I did deliberately pick eight characters I thought would split opinion and create debate. As it turned out, it was a clear fight between two Corrie mums - Anna Windass and Audrey Roberts. Both good, strong characters, but very different mums. 

And the ultimate winner was... Audrey Roberts with 42.19% and 208 votes! I admit I am quite pleased by this, as Audrey is my favourite character. Sue Nicholls is a brilliant actress so a big electonic Mother's Day bouquet to her (and our Aud!)

Anna Windass came second in the poll with 36.11% (178 votes). For a long time the surprise leader in our poll, personally I'm surprised she even came second!

So, to a quick run down of the other results:

Sally Webster - 7.71% (38 votes)
Michelle Connor - 5.07% (25 votes)
Gail McIntyre - 3.85% (19 votes)
Deirdre Barlow - 2.43% (12 votes)
Stella Price - 2.03% (10 votes)

And finally, at the cow's tail - Tracy Barlow with 0.61% and surprisingly, 3 votes!

I hope you all enjoyed the poll - and I'm sure the results will get you all talking! So are you happy with the outcome?

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  1. I also love Audrey... but she's hardly being a good mum to Gail at the moment is she? Gail only agreed to the plot to try to expose Lewis, yet Audrey stands by while Gail loses her home.

    Compared to her, Tracy doesn't seem quite such a bad mother, after all!

  2. Yes, from the choice given in the poll, Audrey deserves the prize for best mother. Very much deserved! And thanks Graeme for the poll! :)

  3. No! Audrey is SO not the best Corrie Mam. I love the character, and she is definitely one of my all-time faves, but a good mother she is not. How she is treating Gail at the moment aside, remember she was a pretty much a slapper in her younger days leaving Gail to be latch-key kid, who had no idea who her Father was growing up or that she had a brother, Stephen, (given away for adoption I think).
    Sally got my vote. Her girls were always steered in the right direction, with mixed results admittedly. She always fed them their fishfinger teas sat around the family table, until Kev had an affair. Even then she took him back and re-married him to create a stable environment for Rosie and Sophie. She has extended a maternal hand to many in need too, taking in Sian and Ryan to live under her roof.

  4. Actually I voted for Audrey, but reading the above has made me change my mind. Sally might be a bit of a snob, but she is the only nother who has tried to get her kids to aspire to something better than sewing knickers, even if it didn't work.


  5. I have to say I think Gail did initially deserve the treatment she received from Audrey - Gail was quick to assume that money Lewis left would be given to her, even though it wasn't hers to give - selfish!

    I do agree though that Audrey should have softened her approach by now.


  6. And Sally might be a good mum, but remember she did sleep with that oily car salesman to help put Rosie through private school. Yuck!

  7. I'm very pleased the hositility between Audrey and Gail is taking a few weeks to resolve - which it will do in the end. It would have been highly unsatisfactory if they'd kissed and made up after two episodes. As for Sally sleeping with her boss, at least it provided for the family. Private education, steak for tea; you'd probably find a character like that in classic Victorian novels. I'm prepared to believe that Sally didn't have any fun and it was only for the very best of motives!

  8. Thing is I think Sally had more affairs than Kevin did and her daughters appeared to have learned of most if not all of them.
    Some were rather blatant and others like her boss at the car dealership were more discreet but Rosie still found out about that one so it's hard to say that Sally is the best mother on the Street.
    As far as taking in Sian and Ryan it always seemed to me that the only reason she did that was to score points off her neighbours - Oh look at me see how kind and caring and how much better than you I am.
    She's just another Hyacinth Bucket only concerned with her social status.
    Unfortunately she seems to have a problem keeping her mouth shut how many times have we seen her have information that should not be repeated and repeat it to the very person that will benefit most from getting that information regardless of the consequences.
    I'm just waiting for her to let slip to David that the baby might not be his and then wonder why everyone is disgusted with her after all it was his right to know what Kylie had done.
    Even her attitude toward Tyrone who she has known for years just shows how much she cares about her social standing on the Street.
    She can't be seen to be friends with a wife beater.
    You can just see her looking down her nose saying "not good for the image don't you know".
    So neither a good mother or role model for her daughters.

  9. Hurrah, Audrey won! As for Audrey not being a good Mom to Gail at the moment HA....she is being too good! Gail deserves everything she gets. She should have told Lewis in no uncertain terms that she couldn't have a relationship with him as her mother still loved him, but no she even goes as far as planning to move to Spain with him deserting her whole family. No sympathy from me for Gail ....send her to the Box Room.
