Monday 11 March 2013

Sneak preview of tonight's double Corrie - Monday 11 March

Coronation Street, Monday 11th March 2013 at 7.30pm
KATY AND RYAN GIVE INTO PASSION. When Steph arrives for her date with Ryan, Katy plays the concerned friend and warns her about his dodgy past. His date scuppered Ryan confronts Katy, accusing her of being jealous. Katy tries to deny it but Ryan silences her with a kiss, will Katy respond?
JASON ENACTS HIS REVENGE ON KARL. Jason moves into the Rovers but is gutted when he loses the council job, due to having no van. As Karl taunts him about his recent bad luck will Jason rise to the bait?
SUNITA’S TOUCHED BY DEV’S KIND GESTURE. Sunita thanks Dev for the necklace the twins gave her for Mother’s Day. Feeling unworthy of his kindness she breaks down, confessing to Sophie she was a fool for losing Dev.
Elsewhere Sally starts to lose patience with Gail for impinging on her household routines.

Monday 11th March 2013 at 8.30pm
KATY AND RYAN SNEAK OFF TOGETHER. Having heeded Fiz’s advice to make Katy feel special, Chesney heads out to buy her a gift. Meanwhile Katy lies that she’s off out with the girls, before stealing away with Ryan. As they dance at a club Ryan and Katy can’t keep their hands off each other. Back home Chesney shows Fiz what he’s bought for Katy and reveals his plans for a shock proposal!
KARL CONFRONTS JASON. Karl’s furious to find his wing mirror has been smashed off and accuses Jason. He denies it but when Stella quizzes Jason will he confess?
SUNITA ADMITS HER FEELINGS FOR DEV. Dev’s suspicious when Sophie suggests he and Sunita spend time together. She admits that Sunita would love them to reunite but doesn’t feel it’s fair to ask. Startled how will Dev react?
Elsewhere Gail reveals she’s going flat-hunting next week, Sally hopes time flies. Paul brings Toni to the Rovers. Eileen apologises for her behaviour but Toni graciously tells her to forget it.

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  1. Frosty the Snowman11 March 2013 at 07:11

    Will Katy respond? Will any of us still be awake to care? Two dullards from dullsville.

  2. Who subs these rubbish press releases? Someone who doesn't know the difference between "Katy and Ryan give in to passion" (which is English) and "Katy and Ryan give into passion" (which isn't). Sigh.

    And, no, I don't much care about either of them, but it would be nice if they would at least stick to their established personalities. Katy would never do this.

  3. Digger, that would be one of the nation's biggest media companies, ITV. ;-)

  4. Thought as much, but thanks for the confirmation :0)

  5. Why can't Katy go back to school? Her Dad has all kinds of dosh to throw at her sister so she can buy a baby so he could afford to help her out. Is there a writer with some imagination in the department? Same old affairs, babies and character swaps that have gone on for years. Oh..let's do something with Katy and Chesney..ok..let's see..maybe something original..let's have her turn into a douche and have a fling because she's young and because of that, it's only natural that she'd be a complete dolt - no future aspects but the kebab shop. What a load of wonder some of the female actors get depressed and want out...some of the more recent storylines have been really pathetic IMO
