Wednesday 6 March 2013

Paparazzi pics of Sunita's funeral

There's a couple of paparazzi pictures from Coronation Street's filming of Sunita's funeral today after she dies in the fire at the Rovers Return.

The pics are on the Mirror's website.

And there are even more funeral paparazzi pics on YouTube here.

The more interesting of the two pictures is the second one, of Dev beside the funeral car and the floral arrangement in the back of it.

As far as I know, and do correct me if I'm wrong, Dev and Sunita are Hindu so will this be Corrie's first Hindu funeral?

Does anyone know what the floral arrangement in the car represents?

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  1. The floral arrangement spells AUM, the Hindu word symbol for universal consciousness. It is thought that Amen is Christian derivation of Aum. Dev is wearing white which is the colour of mourning for Hindus. She should be cremated and her ashes scattered over water, thought I do not know what the rules around that are in the UK. As for the other pics of Stella and Karl snogging, the other word symbol that came to me was UGH!

  2. Her ashes would be taken to India and scattered in the river ganjeez. Im sure they're Sikh and not Hindu.


  3. I really don't like the way they are killing her off

  4. Why on earth would the writers have Stella attend Sunita's funeral? Do women really attend the funeral of the "other woman" who broke up their relationship? C'mon, Corrie! Just a wee bit of reality, please???

    But I have to admit, as much as I've grown not to like Sunita Boverr the ick factor of her hussy ways with Karl, the pictures made me a wee bit teary. Because whether saint or sinner, a family has lost its wife and mum.

  5. I'm pretty sure the fact that they are Hindu has been mentioned several times in the past. I remember them being out at a restaurant once, and Sarah Lou nearly serving them a plate of beef, Dev reminded her that they were Hindu and didn't eat beef so wouldn't have ordered it.

    I wonder if they're have anyone in place to play Sunita's parents and brother?

  6. No they are not Sikh. They are Hindu. Their wedding was a Hindu ceremony. And no, the ashes are not flown to India to be scattered over the Ganges. Any body of water will suffice.

  7. They really trashed this character...shamefull. The actress probably decided it was time to move on the minute the producers decided to turn her into the street slut.

  8. Doesn't that floral arrangement read "MUM"?

    ~JB in Canada

  9. One flower arrangement reads MUM, the other is the symbol that was being asked about (its in red).

  10. Ahhhh okay. Thanks! :-)

  11. Frosty the Snowman7 March 2013 at 07:40

    Although I was never a fan of Sunita, I am sorry she has to be killed off in this dramatic way just for the sake of sensationalism again and leave two motherless kids. Surely she could have just moved away and taken the now pointless twins with her? Ug dont tell me Stella is to be shoe horned into another inappropriate scene yet again, she will be helping Dev sort through her stuff next.

  12. Stella will be at the funeral and people will tell her through several episodes what a generous, forgiving soul she is. She will probably say something about'water under the bridge'. Sanctimonious old claptrap. She'll take charge of the wake, too, maybe at Roy's Rolls. Unfortunately, my loathing of Stella overshadows any feelings I might have towards Sunita!
