Monday 11 March 2013

Coronation Street Weekly Update - Eileen’s engaged, Jason’s still vacant

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Greetings and welcome to the Coronation Street Weekly Update. 
Find out more about the Coronation Street Weekly Updates and why they've been written for th'internet since 1995 at

This week on Corrie there was a lovely bit of alliteration when Paul proposes and Eileen’s engaged. She flashes her ring left, right and centre around the pub and up and down the length of Rosamund Street and it’s fair to say she’s up on cloud nine and as happy as can be.

Which is more than can be said of Karl. His jealousy over St Ella and Jason’s love-fest in the love-nest leads him to nick Jason’s van and torch it on wasteland.  Karl’s also sacked from Streetcars this week after Steve and Lloyd find out he kidnapped St Ella in the back of his cab. “You’re sacked” Lloyd tells him. “Sacked!” repeats Steve. “Sacked!” says Lloyd again, for good measure and for us to rewind to watch a brilliant comedy scene again.   

As well as the start of Karl’s crazy campaign against Jason, he also threatens Sunita with revenge for ruining his life.  It’s a shame they’re turning Karl crazy because he had massive potential to be next in the line of Corrie’s feckless fellas. Now he’s just daft and when the Rovers goes up in flames next week, he’ll be suspect number one - and two, three and four.  

Speaking of Sunita, she and Dev cosy up to one another, forgetting completely that they hated the sight of each other just a few short weeks ago.   Married life, eh?

Elsewhere, Kirsty spies her mum coming out of Tina’s flat and discovers that she’s been talking to Fiz and Tina about Tyrone.  Knowing what she now knows, Kirsty refuses to go to the police and give herself in, well, if indeed that was what she ever intended. But even if she did, there’s no way she’ll do it now. 

Finally this week, over in the kebab shop, Katy and Ryan snog by the soft drinks. Then they go clubbing and while they’re out Chesney buys Katy an engagement ring. 

However, I care not a jot because I am officially too old and therefore not the target audience for this storyline so I’ll move right on to one I am enjoying and that’s Gail living with Sally and driving her nuts.   So nuts in fact that Sally pretends she’s taking Sophie to the Bistro for tea rather than sit and eat with Gail.  They don’t go to the Bistro though, no, they sit in the kebab shop window eating chips while Sophie and Jenna poke fun at Sally for fancying Chris Evett-Lloyd and wondering if Sally could be lesbian too. And just at the punchline, in walks Gail.  Sally whisks her out to the Bistro for a glass of red and a heart to heart and is happy to find out Gail starts flat-hunting next week.

And that's just about that for this week. Remember, you can sign up to get these Corrie weekly updates by email at

This week's writers were Jayne Hollinson, Joe Turner, Mark Wadlow, Simon Crowther Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

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  1. Sally's scene in the kebab shop was the highlight of the episode!

  2. The kebab shop scene was funny . But who served them ? Katy and Ryan were out . Ryan called to Katie to cover his shift the other night so he could take her friend out . Are there other staff ?

  3. Dev mentioned a Gaynor last week so maybe her?

  4. Love the duo that is Gail and Sally. They care for each other because they are so alike. They drive each other nuts because they are so alike. I'd really enjoy seeing them go into business together. They can out-know-it-all one another. They could become the two new owners of the Rovers - to spite Nick and eliminate Kevin!
