Saturday 9 March 2013

Coronation Street: From here to maternity

Apart from the debate over who is Corrie's best mum, there has been another interesting theme running through my recent blog posts - those Coronation Street mothers who did not feature in my poll. It seems everyone has an opinion!

So I thought on the eve of Mother's Day itself, I would take a look at some of the other mothers on the Street.

Some of you may have wanted Eileen Grimshaw included on the list. She may not be the best judge when it comes to men, but she has raised two sons well and is a strong source of support to both. She defended Todd to the hilt when he came out - who can forget her wonderful scrap on the cobbles with a dressing gown-clad Gail? One of my favourite Corrie moments ever! And I for one would love to see a rematch in the future.

Then there are young mums like Fiz Stape and Maria Connor. Should they have been included? Fiz has been a great mum so far to baby Hope although perhaps her involvement with John Stape rules her out. She has also acted as a surrogate mum to brother Chesney and was in many ways a better role model than their dreadful mum Cilla! 

Maria is another good young mum, although like Fiz she did get mixed up with a crazed psycho in my fellow countryman, Tony Gordon. 

And what of the other, lower-key mums on the Street? There's Roy's barnstorming mother, Sylvia Goodwin. Their relationship is certainly touching if at times very strained. What about Gloria Price, mum to St Ella of the Back Room. Nah, giving birth to St Ella rules her out straight away in my opinion! 

Kylie Platt has certainly improved as a mother, especially since she tried to sell son Max to her sister Becky. There is also Beth Tinker who gave us the superb Craig; Katy Armstrong who is currently putting us all off kebabs; Sunita Alahan who is soon to go up in smoke and Crazy Kirsty, though I fear even Tracy Barlow might get more votes than her. 

Have I missed anyone out?

I think so. One of the interesting things to come out of this discussion (well I think so anyway) is that sometimes the best Coronation Street mother figures are actually not mothers at all. I'm looking at three lovely ladies in particular. 

Emily Bishop has never been blessed with children but has acted as a wise mentor to many younger Street residents such as Kevin Webster, Curly Watts, Spider Nugent and Sophie Webster. Hayley Cropper is also a character seen as a wonderful mother figure by many. Despite Roy and Hayley's many attempts, their dreams of fostering or adopting never quite worked out. A great shame as I think they would have made terrific parents. Hayley has been like a mother to Fiz and Becky and is the kind of character many Street residents turn to in times of need.

However, I think the best mother figure has to be Rita Tanner. It was always a great sadness to Rita that she had never had children which led to the Faircloughs fostering kids in the early 1980s. There was John Spencer, Sharon Gaskell and finally Jenny Bradley. Sadly Rita didn't have much luck with any of these in the long run. Since then Rita has acted as a friend to many younger characters such as Sally, Leanne, Tina and Tommy. She is always there to  dole out the common sense with the sherbet lemons. Having been there, done that and bought the diamante studded jumper, she always knows exactly what to say.

So do you agree that the best Coronation Street mother figures aren't always mothers in the traditional sense? 

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  1. Frosty the Snowman9 March 2013 at 14:13

    er why is Fiz a 'great mum' to baby Hope? She seems to have forgotton about her most of the time and dragged her around the countryside in the freezing winter with Tyrone.

  2. I'm leaning towards Leanne as the best mom not on the list. Granted, she's been a blond howler monkey with the adults of late, but over the years, she's been the only constant in Simon's life. Even Ken & Deirdre think she's the better parent than Peter. Oh well, it's all in fun.

  3. What I'd like to see is a female cast member NOT become pregnant or at least pratice some form of birth control. The past few years have been one pregnancy storyline after another. Babie and 'guess who's going to jail or the hospital next?'

  4. rita my favorite corrie person love everything about her, my name sake as well x

  5. Rita, Emily and Hayley are favourite aunties IMO. Like grandparents, they can hand back the bawling infant/teenager anytime they please but, as others have said, motherhood is 24/7. This lovely trio of ladies don't qualify, I'm afraid, and I still stick with Sally. She pushed Rosie to better herself although she went a funny way about it. She's accepted that she can't change anything about Sophie and, unlike Gail, lets her children have a life.

  6. I nominate Newton & Ridley as the best mother on the Street who is not a mother. Oh how the residents have suckled from her teets over the years. Bruised and defeated by life, they come into the Rovers to be nurtured back to health by a pint of her brown mother's milk.

  7. Seriously Leanne?
    This woman who seems to have no legal right to Simon has effectively taken him out of Peter's care and only lets Peter see him when the mood strikes her and even then it's iffy as shown by the times she agrees to let Peter have him for an hour or so and then reneges on the agreement.
    Could someone please explain how it is she got custody of Simon, when she was married to Peter she may have had parental rights because of the marriage but is that automatic and it was never mentioned that she adopted Simon and after the divorce surely she had no legal claim on Simon if she never adopted him.
    When Peter was away it appeared that he agreed to let Leanne look after him but that should have ended when he came back so how is it she appears to have sole custody and why does Nick seem to think he has any parental rights regarding Simon.

  8. I like Newton & Ridley as well. Never before has an entire Street been so constantly nurtured, in good times and bad, 'til death to they part. Wait, does that make them the best spouse instead?

  9. Although she isn't in the running for best mom ( and why not?), I vote for Eileen. She raised 2 great sons on her own. She never smothered them or turned a blind eye when they were wrong. She's supportive without being a pushover. Jason may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he's a sweet, compassionate and loving man. And as Eileen once pointed out to Gail, whose son David tried to kill her, "My sons would never push me down the stairs." That's quite an accomplishment itself on Corrie Street.

  10. Haha chatty Cathy. Yes when you look at how the offspring turned out, I agree Eileen wins by a mile.


  11. Kathy - she wasn't in the poll because I didn't include her :) I had to draw the line somewhere, but as she seemed popular I've included her in this blog here :)

  12. Graeme, this has been a fun poll! Will you be doing one for Fathers Day? That would be interesting. :)


  13. Thanks Kathy! Yes I think a fathers day poll would be a good idea :)

  14. I think that Leanne should be included because it seems that no matter what happens in her life, although he is not her real son, Simon is always a first priority for her.
