Saturday 9 March 2013

Coronation Street double episode review, Friday February 20

It has  already been  reported on this blog and elsewhere that  the character of  Paul is  soon  leaving Coronation Street  - and who could blame him with girlfriend Eileen's current bunny boiling behaviour?

She and sister Julie hid in a cupboard at the fire brigade to spy on Paul and Full Monty show organiser workmate Toni  after Eileen suspected the colleagues  were  choreographing strip routines of, ahem, a more  personal nature.

But  Julie and Eileen were rumbled, with Paul telling Eileen that she had trust  issues that could "destroy"them  and  she  meanwhile backtracking that she was insecure because she had been let down by so many men.

However she didn't learn by her mistakes as later read Paul the riot act when she  checked and found out he  had not been at work one afternoon but  out with Toni. When he arrived home, she furiously accused  him off an affair. Except he wasn't, of course, he had been choosing an engagement ring for Eileen  from Toni's jeweller brother  in a romantic gesture.

Naturally he was not impressed by her  mistrust and jealousy, confessed he might have been about to make a "massive mistake" by proposing, while Eileen had to back track madly, muttering "If you knew how foolish I feel.."

Relations  seemed cool between the pair with Paul seeming reluctant to let Eileen even sit next to him in  the Rovers - only to  bring  out the ring and make a rather half hearted  proposal right there and then in that  least unromantic of venues.

As Carla said to Peter ( remember those two once central characters, we hardly see them nowadays!)"If you ever get urge to propose to  me - do not do it here." She has a point.  

Meanwhile Coronation Street residents should not be buying their hats for Eileen and Paul any time soon!

Karl  stole and torched  love rival Jason's van, leading the police to  question Jason as they suspected it was an inside job. Luckily Jason had an alibi - and even with his  noteable lack of brain cells, realised that Karl was probably the culprit.

Meanwhile Stella asked Jason to move in with her - a fact he didn't hesitate to share with Karl - but Stella also asked Owen to give Karl (the man who only just abducted her, remember?)  a job -   why Owen agreed to do so just like that also seemed rather improbable.

 Is it just me or has Michelle Collins improved her  wooden performance and accent somewhat recently? - she's almost animated at times. Almost.

Meanwhile scheming Faye lied to engineered a meeting between her slightly creepy real father Tim and adoptive mum Anna at the school  play, with Owen later guessing she had  matchmaking issues in mind. "Wouldn't it be a dream come true if they (Anna and Tim) got together and the grubby old builder went off to into sunset."

But Anna reaffirmed her affection for Owen.

 Meanwhile teen mum Katy was fuming with jealousy over smug workmate and ex snogging partner Ryan and his date with her friend Steph..we all know where this storyline is heading!..

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  1. Frosty the Snowman9 March 2013 at 14:09

    Frosty was just writing an award for this; when did Eileen become so obsessively jealous? She wasnt like this before. I found the whole scenes yesterday contrived farcical and ham acted and please will someone give Eileen a comb, she looks like she has been dragged through a hedge backwards lately!

  2. Mary Prankster9 March 2013 at 14:13

    Are the writers trying to tell us that Stella's ambivalent about her feelings for Carl? Is she flattered, and enjoying his persistent attentions? Why else would she keep trying to either cover-up, deny, or make excuses for his deranged behaviour? Are they attempting to heighten the drama, to add suspense, so that when the fire happens it will be even more exciting? If not, then it's just more lazy, careless, implausible writing. When I find myself yelling "Aw, C'mon!" at the TV it's a clue that something's not believable!

  3. I get why people are turned off by Stella. Her accent does not rattle me so much as I am not from the UK but in Friday's episode the monotone acting was certainly unimpressive. She seems to have about three expressions: the eyes down, humble-sad; the marginally flustered, "you're barred' ; and the bemused, "o, mother." I can't recall any other emotions from this actress since she has been on the show.

  4. Thought the police were portrayed as more stupid than usual, asking Jason if his van was insured. In the UK all vehicles have to be insured to be leagally on the road

  5. It's the flip-flop writing and character reversal again. I used to like Eileen. She was independant and the last time she was messed around by a man..she gave him the boot right smartly. Now she's whimpering and crying about being lonesome etc..gag me with a fork a dozen times..Really?
    I would like to see her back to her strong self..taking no flak from anyone and who gives a toss if Paul leaves? He was just a prop anyway. IMO their characters had not one bit of chemistry so it's better that he's gone. I'd like to see Todd come back for a stint. Maybe he'll be the one to bring Marcus out of the 'daze' he's in over Maria..not getting them together or anything, but just someone who'll help open Marcus' eyes to who he truly is.

  6. It was good to see Carla and Peter again. I thought they had disappeared.
    I loved their 'living in sin' conversation. The actors have great chemistry with each other.

    I also loved the way they dashed out of the Rovers when Carla suggested they go home and work on 'that sin' LOL

  7. Stella's scene with a raging Jason was appallingly boring. I get it that she's supposed to the voice of sanity, calming the troubled waters but it's terribly dull to watch. The problem is MC has no range at all and plays everthing at the same pitch. There are several actors like that on Corrie but Stella is a central character and should be better played.

  8. On a positive note, I did enjoy the Alahans scene tonight. Dev and the twins were very funny after the play. Asha: "The teacher prompted him and he still forgot the line!" A future child star?

  9. Oh bother Anna, honestly! Owen is crap from the deepest recesses of the barrel bottom! Scrap yer shoe and move on, woman!

  10. I agree with Frosty about Eileen. I used to love that character; she was funny, independent, smart enough, and strong. But the PTB have changed her into a clingy, whiny woman who has lost her sense and her humor along with her comb. I also hate how she became a member of Team Kirsty without any hesitation.

    I'm hoping that the "real" Eileen returns, because I'm not liking this one much.
