Wednesday 12 December 2012

Your cracking Corrie Christmas gifts

As my family and friends know, I love my Corrie. I therefore often find myself receiving Coronation Street themed Christmas gifts. This is mostly welcome (DVD of A Knight's Tale excluded), however it can get a little predictable. I have one friend who spends the pre-Christmas build up scouring the internet for weird, wonderful and down right strange Corrie trinkets and collectables to brighten up my Christmas morning. 

Feeling the urge to spend some money on things I don't need I picked up a couple of great Corrie themed gifts for myself this morning - a copy of Jean Alexander's (Hilda Ogden) autobiography, entitled The Other Side of the Street, as well as H.V Kershaw's book The Street Where I Live. I can't wait to get stuck into both these books - who knows, some future blog posts may follow!

So as we approach the festive season I would love to hear from some Corrie fans on what memorable (good, bad and plain old tacky) Corrie gifts you have received in the past.  

Also, what Coronation Street related paraphernalia would you love to find in your Christmas stockings this year? Who knows, your loved ones may be reading...

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  1. I got some Coronation Street musical coffee mugs once, they play a version of the theme tune when you tip them up to drink... when I say version I mean how the theme tune might sound if played on a mini electric organ by a 5 year old child... Ear Splitting! Needless to say they don't get much use

  2. I usually get some Corrie memorabilia all year round. But for Christmas I've had some Corrie mugs and the book 'Treasures of Coronation Street'.

  3. I've had many Corrie gifts over the years. One recent year I received a wall clock with Hilda Ogden on it and I've received a couple of Corrie mugs as well in the past.

  4. Some of the Corrie merchandise is a bit naff, in my opinion. It's the unofficial stuff that's more fun. Tony Warren's autobiography "I was ena sharples' father" is a gem and worth getting if you can when it comes up for sale on ebay etc.

  5. I'm getting the Lilliput Lane Street houses for Christmas this year and they're really lovely.

    I've just finished the Tony Warren book but I found it a bit bizarre and hard to read. He was all over the place.

  6. I must track down the Tony Warren book! I confess to much Corrie tat buying in my time. For a fellow Corrie loving friend this year I got the following: A Betty's hotpot t-shirt, a Corrie cookery book from the 90s, a book providing definitions of Northern phrases traditionally used in the Street, a Gail mask (creepy!), all done up in a big florescent Hilda bag. And yes, I do like this person!

  7. I loved the musical Corrie mug I was once given! Wish I still had it!

  8. Tvor, I agree with you about the Tony Warren book but I think it says more about the man than the show really and I wonder if he was pressed into writing the book to pay off some of his well publicised tax debts at the time? It says more about his ego than the show but I still found it an enjoyable if not peculiar read. Loved the bit about calling Pat Phoenix "the t&t and glitter" of Elsie Tanner!!

  9. My daughter had a corrie mug,spookily it played whenever the light was switched on! Rosie
