Tuesday 6 November 2012

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, Nov 12 - 16

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Monday 12 November to Friday 16 November 2012
Note: Corrie's on Thursday 15 November, not Wednesday 14 November.

Marcus and Maria are outed, Tina’s pregnant, Rovers footy team lose match, Steve battles Rob for Michelle, Leanne and Peter’s divorce comes through. 

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. Oh crap. There goes my theory that the 1st implant didn't work; and Izzy gets pregnant the "normal" way.

    ~JB in Canada

  2. A twist might be that Tina's pregnancy is not because of the implant but her own egg with Tommy's little swimmers. There could be a massive custody battle for the baby with lawyers and DNA tests. Would make a change to have a complex ethical and legal issue.

  3. I think Janice might be right, Tommy will definitely want in on this action and despite there being a specific test to establish the paternity prior to birth, we will be forced to endure the "who's the baby momma/daddy?" for ages...

    Jason had best keep his hands to himself! All he's done is confirm why Marcus is the better man.

  4. Well, this is a silly twist in the Maria/Marcus storyline. Eileen and Sean are acting like children - as usual!! Why is Maria so insulted that Marcus introduced her as his best friend? The relationship is brand new and clearly awkard for some to take, I can understand why he's gun shy is spreading the word, particularly to those who may have previously only known him as involved with other men. Ease up Maria or this'll all be over before it began!


  5. Oh dear, more fistycuffs. Jason is like Kevin in training...

  6. Frosty the Snowman6 November 2012 at 07:35

    Oh write out neaderthal Jason, where is the character going anyhow. A bore and a boor.

  7. No, no, no - I love Jason! Leave him alone!

  8. I like Jason, but the poor guy needs a decent story. It's the same for Julie, Haley and Roy, Kirk and Beth, while others are in it far too much. (Tracy luv)

  9. That photo - Jason sandwiched tightly between two gay men!
    Who'd have thunk it? LOL.

    Tina's pregnancy - posters above could yet win the day. What if Tina gives birth well before the 9 months since the insemination program? That would set Tommy thinking and before you know it. . .

  10. Well, Jason is Mr. Gay Weatherfield, isn't he? Or is that a storyline we've all just pretended never happened? ;)

  11. In the real world wouldn't they have done a pregnancy test on Tina before the IVF since she is sexually active and has a partner or at least told to use condoms or abstain?

  12. In the real world...LOL!!!

    Jason has to go off the rails so he can be comforted by 'come on into the back' Stella where they start their sordid affair. Another character on the way to ruination by the writers. Oh well.

  13. Oh no not that! Please I just had breakfast lol!

    Although looking forward to Peter's return!

  14. Ah yes, who better to comfort Jason than St Ella of the back room? After all, she knows what it's like to have someone carrying on behind your back in front of your face. Even though Marcus and Maria (shall we call them MarMar?)can't possibly be compared to the cringeworthy Karnita, although they will cause equal confusion on the Street.
