Tuesday 6 November 2012

Gloria Price to return to Coronation Street next year

Loads of Coronation Street fans were left bereft last night when Glorious Gloria swanned off in the back of a taxi under a cloud.  And my in-box this morning has more than a few emails asking if Gloria's coming back to our favourite soap.

The Coronation Street Blog is pleased to confirm that yes, Gloria will be returning to Coronation Street.

ITV have confirmed to us directly at the Coronation Street Blog that Gloria will be on screen in the new year.

Sue Johnston, who plays Gloria, is taking a short break from Corrie to film The Royle Family and Lapland.

Is everyone as happy as I am to hear Gloria's coming back?

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  1. Frosty the Snowman6 November 2012 at 07:55

    Oh for goodness sake - who is "bereft?" A ridiculous character that just did not gel. Her return would just not be believable either. Good riddance, Gloria just hasnt worked in my opinion and the scenes with her and beige Stella yesterday were terribly acted.


  2. Not thrilled she's coming back, unless the writers give her a personality transplant over the Christmas holidays.

  3. I have high hopes for Gloria. Sue Johnston is a fantastic actor and has the potential to be a huge asset to Corrie. If they tone the excesses of her character down and show other sides of her personality, Sue will be able to deliver the goods! Come on Powers That Be, get it right!!

  4. Yaaaayyy! I, for one, fall in the bereft category. Can't wait for her to come back.

  5. In a word... NO!

  6. no, no, no... she was a terrible, useless character. If/when she comes back, I'm with the majority of the posters here, I hope the writing quality has improved isgnificantly and her character gets to do and be something MORE than a bug/cockroach scurrying about the Cobbles. This does NOT a character make. Neither does it make for a good acting performance...

  7. Unfortunately, Gloria's script has been ridiculous and, mainly, she has been playing opposite Michelle Collins - least said. The few lines of dialogue between Eva and Gloria last night were really quite touching which shows that Gloria's character has potential. I'm indifferent as to whether she returns.

  8. Oh gawd no!!! Bereft? Seriously??

    ~JB in Canada

  9. Put me firmly in the "NOT bereft" camp. We all cheered when she left, preceded by comments like "hurry up" and "seeya then."

    I guess in the age-old Corrie tradition there is scope for her character to be toned down a bit. Les Battersby was well over the top when he arrived, but after a while he fitted in quite well. Gloria *could* be the same, although she'd need way better scripts and plots. Overall I can't say I'm bothered whether she comes back or not, but if she does, then definitely not as a continuation of what she's been like so far.

  10. I was sad to see her go last night and pleased to hear she'll be back. I love to complete fantasy world she seems to live in, completely oblivious to reality as it passes her by.

  11. Much cheered by the fact that Sue Johnston will be filming more of The Royle Family, in which she is quite brilliant, but rather indifferent to the fact that she will return to Corrie in the new year. Gloria didn't really work for me. -NN

  12. She is quite the character..I hope they have more scenes with her and Audrey next year..they really are good together.
    Stella was gone for awhile and nobody even noticed...at least I didn't.

  13. Good riddance to someone who has been so selfish, disobedient and downright vindictive.

  14. Bereft??? Either someone has taken leave of their senses, or they're telling porkies!

    It's not a case of liking or disliking the character, it's just that there's no depth, a flat cardboard thin, one-dimensional character bordering on the cartoonish - belongs in the Ken Morely era of primary colours characterisation. Unconvincing.

    Talking of 'senses' - Despite the fact that they've already done an Alzheimer's story I'd swear they were lining up Gloria as a character in the early stages of slipping into dementia.

    Her 100% complete denial and inability to see anything from any of her family's (or any one else's) point of view, except her own, even when those family members in disagreement are driven to tears of despair, (not to mention her 'fantasies' to others but real to her) are characteristic of the disease.

    I was expecting her to show lapses of short term memory loss next.

  15. Sounds as if the 'loads being left bereft' were maybe a handful! I'm still undecided about Gloria but glad she's taking a break - this might mean less of St. Ella..???

  16. Not going to miss Gloria and happier if she WASN'T returning to the cobbles in the new year. What's this with characters taking their grand exits only to return? Definitely cartoonish and very annoying, not even in a good villian sort of way.

  17. You say she is a good actress, well they have other good talented actors and actresses and the Writers make a chock a block of them when it comes to giving them any kind of part. Start looking at getting new writers, they're the problem.

  18. NO NO NO



  19. Nay. A Rover that should not return.

  20. How about that ridiculous moment when they tried to take the plaque away from her and she wouldn't let go. I swear I thought it was a panto at Christmas, how cringeworthy was that!
