Wednesday 7 November 2012

Sneak preview of tonight's Corrie - Weds 7 November

Coronation Street, Wednesday 7th November 2012at 7.30pm

MARCUS AND MARIA STRUGGLE TO FIGHT THEIR FEELINGS. After lying to him about Marcus not being keen about moving to London Maria is guilty when Aiden tells her he’s not accepting his job promotion and throws the offer letter in the bin. Later at the salon her nerves shredded Maria tells an astounded Audrey she thinks she’s fallen in love with Marcus. Audrey’s sympathetic as Maria tells her about the kiss she and Marcus shared, but reminds her that Marcus is with Aiden and she’s with Jason who’s a decent bloke. In turmoil Maria fishes the letter out of the bin and slips it into Marcus’ post. Finding the letter Marcus tackles Aiden about it. Aiden tells him he’s turned it down for him after Maria’s advice about long distance relationships. An irked Marcus tackles Maria about meddling in his relationship. As the pair begin to row emotions start to escalate and Marcus demands to know why Maria doesn’t want him to leave Weatherfield. Lost for words Maria realises there’s only one way she can answer this!
GAIL IS DESPERATE TO MAKE AMENDS WITH AUDREY. Gail feels terrible as Lewis hands her some money to pass to Audrey, he’s still determined to pay back his debts. Realising his feelings for her mum are genuine Gail suggests Audrey try talking to Lewis again. Audrey tries to return the money but Lewis won’t accept it and assures her that once he’s repaid his debt he’s leaving Weatherfield. Devastated Audrey tells Gail she’ll never forgive her. Has Gail ruined her relationship with her mother for good?
CAN THE BARLOW’S REGINITE THEIR MARRIAGE. Ken and Deirdre agree to put the Wendy episode behind them but will Deirdre be happy to let Ken resume his role as chair of the school governors? Later over a romantic meal the couple reflect on their marriage and how much it means to them, can they move on together?
Elsewhere Mandy offers her services as chef as at the Rovers and Ryan persuades Stella to let him and Steve put a pub football team together.

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  1. I actually felt quite sorry for Wendy the other night - fair play to Roberta Kerr! I thought it was great she came back, shame she couldn't be around for longer.

  2. Frosty the Snowman7 November 2012 at 09:53

    That comment she made about meeting Ken and "being 32 again" was quite poignant. She was a great actress and character and should have stayed longer. Why she would still fancy an old octengerian like Ken who has done nothing much with his life is beyond me. Its a pity the writers couldnt think of anything else to do with her bar another "affair"

  3. I think Ken is such a full of himself acting like Wendy had almost raped him or summat.
    Can't wait to see what Lewis has in store for Gail but I do hope he and Audrey get back together..they are so wonderful to watch - such a fine pair of actors.

    I am still wondering what the purpose of Tracy walking over to Ryan, insulting him (you're such a girl) and walking away was. Maybe it was so she could model that cute litte coat she was wearing. Can they not write this characxter out in some way? Maybe Amy needs a blood transfusion, Steve offers but finds out he has the wrong blood type and cannot possible by Amy's father.

  4. Agree 100% with Anon about Tracy. I'd like Amy's true father to be Wally(?),Bernard Cribbins' character. He did say at the time that it was not physically possible but, guess what, he lied. Maybe Wally's son arrives in Weatherfield which gets Roy and Haley thinking.

  5. Agree, it should be discovered that Steve is not Amy's father (since he was such a moron not to have a DNA test done at the time) - but I will go further and suggest Roy actually be Amy's father - a shock initially but I see wonderful stories coming out of it.
