Tuesday 6 November 2012

Confirmed: Corrie's Christmas wedding

The wonderful Inside Soap magazine has a Coronation Street spoiler (of sorts) in this week's edition. 

There's a bit of blurb where they ponder the question of whether Peter dumps Carla for Leanne after paparazzi pictures show Carla in tears at an airport departure lounge.

And then the piece goes on to say: "In the next few weeks, we'll see Leanne struggle with her feelings as she gets ready to tie the knot with Nick for the second time. Seizing upon her doubts, Leanne's wicked half sister Eva will plot to split them up and Peter could be part of her dastardly plan."

Ooh, so will they or won't they get wed?  Tune in this Christmas to find out.

See more Corrie Christmas spoilers here.

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  1. Oh puleeese, I hope not! (will they or won't they)

    1. I hope they don't get wed either! :)


  2. When was the last time we had a Christmas episode without a wedding or a birth?

  3. Frosty the Snowman7 November 2012 at 09:55

    How long will it last this time? yawn yawn yawn.

  4. I hope the writers are not going down this long boring road ... again.

  5. My God does anyone just get married anymore???

  6. It will all be over in a matter of weeks when Peter realizes Carla is just not the motherly type and he realizes he should have stayed with Leanne - not looking forward to the fights again. What was with snarky Leanne when Gloria was leaving and she found out about her having run a drycleaners instead of a pub - not as if she had stabbed a few customers - she only just met her grandmother but now seemed triumphant that she was leaving - she could have cut her some slack like Eva.

  7. Why can't the writers just let Peter be with Carla? They've been through too much to give up on their relationship now. It's Carla that Peter obviously loves so if they do break up, I guarantee it will ultimately be because of Simon.

    I'm so over the whole love square thing though but I think Peter will get back with Leanne for Simon's sake. He is desperate to get his son back and Leanne evidently still loves Peter so I can't see her marrying Nick.

  8. Funny how Inside Soap didn't mention that Simon was at the airport with Carla and Peter too.

    As usual, they want people to believe that Peter wants Leanne back. This is the same Leanne that made it impossible for Peter to have any sort of relationship with HIS son a few months back.

  9. Oh no!! Is this definitely happening? I love Carla and Peter together! :(

    Why did the writers send them away together if they were only going to break them up as soon as they return?

    The actors wanted a break but they could have easily said that Peter was going into rehab and Carla was moving to LA or something. It's stupid splitting them up now.

    Don't say that Saint Leanne gets what she wants. She'll be all smug and self-righteous again!

  10. Yawning already...

    I think one of the most hilarious things I've heard is Ben Price (Nick) comparing Nick and Peter to Mike and Ken. Are we supposed to want to watch these two fight over Leanne? It's so silly and frankly, I don't understand why either of them would want her. Both of them can do better. Peter already has done much better with Carla and I'm not exactly her number 1 fan.

  11. Ow no I don't want them to because Leanne doesn't truley love Nick! :)

    I want Leannes job so much I love ben who plays nick he is gorgeous and really nice in real life! :)

  12. cant scriptwriters give us a good old fashioned wedding that goes without a hitch. cant quite believe that nick or peter would look at leanne when carla's around!i think corrie need to get new scriptwriters to give us something new.
