Saturday 3 November 2012

ITV deny Coronation Street cast members to be axed

What's going on with the tabloids at the minute? Is it soap silly season, or what?

First this week the Mirror had a non-story about Toyah Battersby returning to Coronation Street.  Then they published a story about Maria getting pregnant with Marcus' baby, a story that ITV have denied.

And now, today's Sun says that 10 Corrie characters are facing the chop in a cast cull when new producer Stuart Blackburn takes over in January 2013.  And ITV have denied that too.

Come on you tabloids!  Give us some interesting inside info, not soft soap spoilers that turn out to be wrong. And in the meantine, here's who our new blogger Graeme would get rid of.  You know, if he could.

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  1. I'd hate for Marcus to go, he has become one of my very favourites on the show in the last few months.


  2. One day I will have the power to make my dreams come true! There's room for another redhead on those cobbles!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As i said before, every time there's a new producer, the tabs wheel out this exact same story, just change the character names. It's like those same old spam fear mongering emails that made the rounds every few years

  5. I whole heartedly agree with the first poster - I have come to adore Marcus over the past while (particularly post-Sean) and would be gutted to see him go. :(

  6. I find it very strange that each time they say they're going to axe characters the viewers start clamoring to get rid of Tracy right off the mark. You'd think the producers would listen but no..they keep this boring one dimenional character and she gets the same storylines over and over again..who's life can she eff up without any consequences coming her way. Tracy is not redeemable after she murdered Charlie S. and should be written out..IMHO.
