Saturday 3 November 2012

Double Coronation Street epsiode review, Friday November 2

Various chickens came home to roost as a furious Lewis realised he'd been lured into an attempted honey trap of his manly virtue by plotters Gloria and Gail. 

Meanwhile Wendy Crozier/Papadapolous showed her true colours regarding her real intentions to ex  love Ken - and took  revenge in traditional woman scorned style.

Gail had, of course, secretly been in cahoots with Gloria in attempting to incriminate ex gigolo Lewis as reverting back to his money-grabbing ways from woman of a certain age. Though Gloria - who was enjoying the whole charade immensely as she clearly fancied Lewis -  had added the extra touch of claiming she was terminally ill.

Even  so, when Gloria  eventually propositioned  Lewis, asking him to run away with her and even saying he could have all her (fictional) money when he died as she "wanted a to live the high life with you at my side",  he turned her down, professing his undying love for Audrey and saying he had only been friendly to Gloria as he felt  compassion for her.

Lewis's rage when he realised  he had been conned, and that, worst of all Audrey latterly knew about the plot, was terrible - and prompted him quitting his job at the Rovers and, worse, breaking up with a heartbroken and tearful Audrey, saying: "You're not the woman I thought  I knew. It truly breaks my heart - it's over."

He even claimed he had been on the point of proposing. Look what you've gone and done now Gail!

It was difficult to believe that Audrey, who had burnt so many bridges to make a new life with Lewis, would have ever condoned what was going on with Gloria. But at least was a good chance for Nigel Havers to have a decent storyline and show his acting credentials and show that Lewis did have a decent side after all.. at the moment, anyway.

Menawhile, after Ken fell asleep overnight on wily Wendy's sofa after  he kept on topping up his wine glass, Deirdre was predictably unimpressed when "the Governor" slunk back  home. Ken told her he was innocent - and Wendy turned up at the Rovers when Deirdre was there to, at first,  back up his story

However, she spoke with forked tongue -  when she was next alone with Ken, she showed her true colours and asked him to kiss her - prompting a horrified response from Ken - a bit too horrified for a man who'd been preening and flirting in her company for weeks - and sporting her cufflinks!

As Ken made his excuses and left , a rebuffed Wendy decided to take vengeful action, turning up at  Deirdre's and  saying she was making a formal complaint about Ken to the school as HE had made advances to her.

Nice dialogue between her and Tracy.
Wendy:" Last time I saw you, you were a sulky teenager".
Tracy: "Last time I saw you, you were a home breaking cow"
Meanwhile Kirsty's control of cowed house husband Tyrone increased  as she even begrudged him leaving the house briefly on an errand, scolding him too not to be long and give her back the change, like he was a naughty child.  Good filming angles as Kirsty loomed large on the stairs and Tyrone looked small and vulnerable at the doorway.

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  1. Diedre really showed off her many charms this hour: Her raspy voice, the turkey neck, her over-stuffed pillow figure, the chain-smoking, the pneumatic drill personality, her pride of ignorance, stubborness, jealousy, insecurity, spite (and throw in a criminal daughter to the mix). Wendy Crozier needs to do nothing but breathe to compete. What man could resist ditching Diedre? Phil Collinson perhaps?

  2. I disagree with the above poster. I liked Ken's "fish and chips, M&S, and Ken and Deirdre" spiel, and found it genuine. I feel for K & D both! Wendy's definitely the bad one in my books. Although Deirdre telling her to resign was ridiculous.

    I think the Gail/Gloria/Lewis plot would've been better if we as viewers were 'let in on it' beforehand so to speak. Seeing Audrey crying in the pouring rain was heartbreaking!

  3. I don't see what's good about the dialogue between Wendy and Tracy. It just seems like tedious name calling to me.

  4. I disagree with the first poster too.....Ken has felt superior to everyone around him for ever and yet he still lives in the same house with the same wife and the same neighbours.

    He has his head stuck so far up his own backside that he can't see bunny boiler Wendy for what she is. To him it's ok to associate with her, on an intellectual level of course, because he's an 'intellectual'. The red flags should have gone up when she produced the birthday cuff links that she'd been coveting for umpteen years. Wake up and smell the chippie Ken. Even if you were both adult enough to serve on the same school board after everything that's happened, what in god's name would give you the idea that it's acceptable to go back to her house for "coffee"....over and over again. I don't blame Deidre for being brassed off with him, he's lucky she hasn't stuffed her stuffed marrow somewhere it doesn't belong!!

  5. Excellent observation about the true nature of Ken. Even from the first episode, he set the stage for himself as an intellectual wanna-be without enough gutts or gumption to move away from the Street and leave the peasantry behind him. He definitely is in love with being loved and seems to enjoy leading women on like moths to a flame, while all the while playing Deirdre like a well used violin... okay a fiddle.

  6. I always enjoy reading Kim Colby's comments, and this one's no exception. Bang on the money, I reckon.

  7. Gloria is hilarious..the banter between her and Audrey was great..
    'Yes Gloria, I know who Gail is'..ha.
    I also like Gail when she's being Gail. The writers have got to stop with the slap-stick comedy as far as Gail is doesn't work..IMO anyway.

    Audrey and Gloria..great actors and watching them together is wonderful.

    What's with Rob giving Kirstie such a hard time..she was only 10 minutes late. You'd have thought the natural balance of the world was being thrown out of kilter the way he acted (badly I might add).
