Thursday 1 November 2012

Meet our new Coronation Street Blogger - Graeme Naylor

I have been following the Coronation Street blog regularly over the past two to three years, mostly lurking in the background, occasionally posting a comment if I felt strongly enough about a particular issue. I believe the main strength of this blog is the real passion for The Street, its characters, actors and its rich history. I think the blog continues to strike the right balance between looking back at past Corrie successes while also critiquing the current, modern day programme. Both elements are crucial. I do have a major soft spot for traditional 60s/70s/80s Coronation Street, but I hope not to be one of those commentators who are always saying the show is simply not what it was. I believe very strongly that Coronation Street, despite some short-comings, is still head and shoulders above the competition. 

I have been watching Coronation Street for over twenty years, my first memories date back to the iconic storyline between Rita and Alan Bradley. Coronation Street was simply always on in our living room whenever it was broadcast. Initially I watched reluctantly with my mother but soon enough I was hooked, which I continue to be to this day. So well-known is my adoration for the world's longest running soap that not a Christmas or birthday goes by without a friend or loved one presenting me with a delightful (!) Corrie-themed gift.

One of the highlights in all my years watching The Street was in the run up to the 50th anniversary in December 2010. I was lucky enough to attend the British Film Institute in London to watch the first three landmark episodes of Coronation Street in the presence of the programme's creator, Tony Warren. It was wonderful to hear anecdotes from him on how he created this amazing series. Less impressive was my first trip to Granada Studios back in 1995. As a very excited 12 year old, we queued so long to tour the studios that when the big moment came I promptly fainted and ended up in Granada's Medical Room. Can't win 'em all.

Over the years there have been many characters I've loved and many I'd happily have written out myself. Favourites have always been the strong, resilient woman who usually form the backbone of the programme - Annie Walker, Hilda Ogden, Elsie Tanner, Bet Lynch, Alma Baldwin, Betty Turpin and of the current cast, Audrey, Rita, Hayley and Gail. I particularly love when Corrie does gentle comedy - Fred Gee's infamous wig and Stan Ogden's fruit machine spring to mind! One of my favourite scenarios was when Alf went to Buckingham Palace to collect his OBE, while Audrey missed out and ended up being replaced by none other than Betty Turpin. Like most fans of the programme, I do have a mental hit list of characters I would happily cull! I would love to share both my positive and occasionally negative views on The Street on this blog.

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  1. Graeme, what a way to get even closer inside the studio. Sounds as if you will be a great addition to this blog - can't wait!

  2. Go on, Graeme; elaborate a little on your cull list! Your list of favourites scored a full house with me, so I'd just like to know who's on the other side of the coin.
    And welcome to the Blog!


  3. Thank you for the lovely welcome! I think I have to follow up with another post focussing on the characters I'd love to cull! Can't wait to get started on that one!
